I Tried The Jeep Thing And I Just Don't Get It


Resident Smartass
Overland Journal/ Expedition Portal knocks "jeeping"!

I thought this article was too funny not to post up. This is from the very popular overlanding website/magazine Expedition Portal and Overland Journal. This "overland" crowd is really something else!

I recently had the pleasure of taking a Brute Double-Cab down a few different “Jeep Trails” around Phoenix Arizona with my girlfriend and our dog. While I’m used to desert exploring, I had yet to experience the fun that is “jeeping” in the back country. For those who are unclear, the Jeeping to which I refer has nothing to do with owning or driving a Jeep, but more to do with driving the short, but very rough, Jeep Trails on the map. These are the trails on which you often find cut-up Toyotas, Land Rovers, and yes Jeeps, slowly crawling over big rocks for the sole purpose of saying they did.

Read that a couple of days ago. Maybe if he didn't have a stiff as hell suspension with zero weight in it.....wait who am I kidding. Oh well.
I would have thought his writing would have been better after the mani/pedi at the spa the next day. :idontknow:
A shame that an :asshat: like that got to drive a Brute. I would do nearly anything to be able to test drive one alone. It doesn't bother me that he didn't enjoy it.
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:cheesy: I just got done reading this article and couldn't stop laughing!! I mean, this guy totally epitomizes the self-proclaimed "overlander" in all their pretentious glory and underscores why they are so easy to make fun of. The only thing that I really can't stand about these guys is that they're often on the same trail as me and somehow always feel the need to tell me how "impractical" my Jeep is. :crazyeyes:
The only thing that I really can't stand about these guys is that they're often on the same trail as me and somehow always feel the need to tell me how "impractical" my Jeep is. :crazyeyes:

That and block the trail, either because they are stuck or parked on it while off marveling at the beauty of the end of their journey (because nobody could get over THAT obstacle). :crazyeyes:
Damn son! I hope he didn't go out alone. He should have taken an experienced 4 wheeler or 2 with him to show him the ropes. Air down, disconnect, cargo net, lines, etc etc
From the pics it doesn't look like he aired down. And surely didn't tie down his cargo. :naw:

edit: Marauder beat me to it!
Wearing floppy hat and mutli pocket shirt - check. A snob - check. Doesnt know how to properly tie down his equipment despite years of off roading experience - check.
So, true story. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, we were doing some "sightseeing" in our Jeeps across "dirt roads" in Death Valley and came across an "overlander" type but, to his credit, was at least driving JK. Of course, being that he was totally loaded up with a roof rack, snorkel, 2 full gas cans and 2 full size spares, his 4" lift made him look more like he only had 2" of lift. Thanks to all the extra weight from all crap he didn't need, he ended up breaking a bar pin on his passenger side rear shock due to it constantly bottoming it out. Of course, this was the one extra part that he didn't have with him. :crazyeyes:
This guy lives in my town. I consider over landing the driving I do to get to the trailhead. The real fun starts once we reach the trail. I'm sure he's around town in some suv with a massive roof rack and snorkel to wade all the deep water we have in northern AZ.
I unfortunately live in the same city as this author. they have a few authors currently working for them that I don't get along with at all, not just jeeping but also mountain biking and backcountry navigation.

I think he is the guy driving the white landrover though town with all the "Overlanding" gear on it :cheesy:
So, true story. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, we were doing some "sightseeing" in our Jeeps across "dirt roads" in Death Valley and came across an "overlander" type but, to his credit, was at least driving JK. Of course, being that he was totally loaded up with a roof rack, snorkel, 2 full gas cans and 2 full size spares, his 4" lift made him look more like he only had 2" of lift. Thanks to all the extra weight from all crap he didn't need, he ended up breaking a bar pin on his passenger side rear shock due to it constantly bottoming it out. Of course, this was the one extra part that he didn't have with him. :crazyeyes:

I actually wish we had taken more pics of this guy. You left out the best part about his "overlanding" friend in the 4-runner and what great spotters overlanders make. :grayno:

As a side note, I too would have thought two spares was just crazy.... then I wheeled with Louis. :cheesy::crazyeyes:
I always say it's a good thing everyone isn't trying to do the same thing. So this guy isn't into "Jeep" trails. Good! It would sure be the pits if everybody was out on the trails because they would be so crowded that it wouldn't be much fun. In fact, I'm glad that not that many people are into Jeeping and the other backcountry activities that we enjoy. They sure don't know what they are missing, in my view, but it's good that they have other interests. In addition to Jeeping, we ride ATVs in season and snowmobiles in the winter. Sometimes I have a hard time deciding which to do, but Jeeping is something we can do even when the weather is bad. I turn 73 this month, the wife just turned 71 and my mother is almost 92. Mom still rides her ATV some, but my brother and I take her Jeeping often. We live in Idaho that has lots of backcountry areas and not a lot of people. Still, I'm glad that most Idahoans are golfing or home watching TV when we are on the trails or they would be too crowded. I'll bet even in heavily populated states, like California, that the trails aren't all that crowded.

So, I'm glad this guy isn't into Jeeping. If he doesn't see the point of getting banged around in a Jeep he sure as hell wouldn't be into ATVing or snowmobiling. We'll have more fun without him!
I unfortunately live in the same city as this author. they have a few authors currently working for them that I don't get along with at all, not just jeeping but also mountain biking and backcountry navigation.

I think he is the guy driving the white landrover though town with all the "Overlanding" gear on it :cheesy:

I know exactly which Rover you are talking about. Makes sense.
I wonder if he just took pics of the trash or went a step further and carried it out?:thinking:

I have been on a lot of dirt roads and trails and have never seen just one piece of trash. Their pictures show one PBR can and one folded half eaten bag of sunflower seeds. No other trash and a clean trail. I don't believe it. Not only that, the way the bag of seeds is shows that even if it were left on the trail it is neatly folded and clearly not something done on purpose.
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