Gay Talk

I'm fighting for something I believe in. If you could relate to such a concept you'd know quitting is for the weak. I'll be here as long as it takes. I have at least another good 35 years left.

You won't be here 3-5 days from now. This isn't your road show and you have no rights on a private internet forum.
Guess it's good you don't fucking live in uganda then.
There's 100+ year old gay people in a mental institutions? Guess you have good life expectancy.
The Holocaust is a myth.

Can we play some more????

Holy hay zues!!! You are one sensitive SOB. Guess it's also true some gay people are just little bitches, like you. What exactly are you wanting here? You do realize this a JEEP FORUM made up of all people, including "the gays." And the "Ns" as you say. Out of the 20,000+++, there probably is even a "GAY N" in the mix too. But none have been so high and mighty as yourself to turn this into a personal agenda forum. Those that try usually don't last very long. Find another forum for your agenda pushing.

We all know nothing "personal" was meant. We don't all have to be so PC 100% of the time. You may not like it, so don't read it and move along to other threads/topics. Or just leave this site if it is not sensitive to your lifestyle/life choices.

Don't you wonder why no other gay people are chiming in? Maybe it's because they see how you all rallied against me over something that would normally be settled with a simple apology. But no, not for the gay guy. If he's offended let's all attack him. Rabble rabble rabble.
You won't be here 3-5 days from now. This isn't your road show and you have no rights on a private internet forum.

Oh? so when the villagers getting torches doesn't work, you run people out of town? Good to know.
You understand NO ONE here is Gay-Bashing, A comment was made, you blew it way out of proportion. And trying to come across as intellectually superior is not helping your cause. Because you are getting flustered and defensive everyone here can smell the weakness on you and is now giving you shit. It has been stated numerous times now that no one cares that you are a homosexual. Now go use the word "disparaging" a few more times and maybe we might start taking you seriously
I'm glad this idiot has his own thread now, I just wish he would shut the fuck up. All you hear is how gay's want to be just like everyone else in this country, well you don't hear the other 97% of the country getting offended for being called a straight person. Gosh stfu and go find a flowery happy forum where you will be enjoyed, and leave us the fuck alone, because we are tired of hearing your bullshit.
Don't you wonder why no other gay people are chiming in? Maybe it's because they see how you all rallied against me over something that would normally be settled with a simple apology. But no, not for the gay guy. If he's offended let's all attack him. Rabble rabble rabble.

Actually, I'm not wondering, but thanks. You being offended for someone saying a truck is "gay" is one thing. Taking your issue/cause to these lengths is a whole other issue. No apologies needed, because no bashing was made.

Not to mention, nobody cares what you think or say at this point.

Oh? so when the villagers getting torches doesn't work, you run people out of town? Good to know.

WTF are you talking about???? I already said it's good you are not Uganda. No villagers here. Just jolly, Gay 'mericans.

You understand NO ONE here is Gay-Bashing, A comment was made, you blew it way out of proportion. And trying to come across as intellectually superior is not helping your cause. Because you are getting flustered and defensive everyone here can smell the weakness on you and is now giving you shit. It has been stated numerous times now that no one cares that you are a homosexual. Now go use the word "disparaging" a few more times and maybe we might start taking you seriously


They aren't chiming in cause the don't want to be associated with an asshole like you

And THIS!!!
I'm glad this idiot has his own thread now, I just wish he would shut the fuck up. All you hear is how gay's want to be just like everyone else in this country, well you don't hear the other 97% of the country getting offended for being called a straight person. Gosh stfu and go find a flowery happy forum where you will be enjoyed, and leave us the fuck alone, because we are tired of hearing your bullshit.

Well that's enough for today. This is obviously going to be an uphill battle. If the south can still justify their racist flag so many years later, you'll probably hold on to your justifications for years too.

P.s. OverlanderJK that big gay pride sticker on your jeep... I put that there. LOL!
My mom is an opera singer and voice instructor so I grew up around gay men. When I was in high school, one of my mom's gay students came to live with us because his father kicked him out of the house when he came out. We welcomed him in our home. The first person I personally knew with AIDS died in 1988, long before much was known about the disease (the doctors called it steroid poisoning.) As an adult, my wife and I lived in SF for a few years. The majority of the men we knew and socialized with in SF were gay (they called me their token straight friend and would make fun of me every time I talked about riding the "ferry" across the bay.) They all had pride; none carried chips on their shoulders.

People like you do more to hurt your "cause" (pick any cause, it doesn't matter) than to help it. You don't own words...but you clearly have a problem with letting words own you. Grow the fuck up and get some thicker skin.
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It still amazes me how little comments that are totally unrelated to this. Im also amazed he has been banned yet and sent on his way since he wont go alone.
Well that's enough for today. This is obviously going to be an uphill battle. If the south can still justify their racist flag so many years later, you'll probably hold on to your justifications for years too.

P.s. OverlanderJK that big gay pride sticker on your jeep... I put that there. LOL!

Don't go away mad. Just go away.
My mom is an opera singer and voice instructor so I grew up around gay men. When I was in high school, one of my mom's gay students came to live with us because his father kicked him out of the house when he came out. We welcomed him in our home. The first person I personally knew with AIDS died in 1988, long before much was known about the disease (the doctors called it steroid poisoning.) As an adult, my wife and I lived in SF for a few years. The majority of the men we knew and socialized with in SF were gay (they called me their token straight friend and would make fun of me every time I talked about riding the "ferry" across the bay.)

People like you do more to hurt your "cause" (pick any cause, it doesn't matter) than to help it. You don't own words...but you clearly have a problem with letting words own you. Grow the fuck up and get some thicker skin.

Perfectly said Sharkey. Perfectly said. Thank you.
Well that's enough for today. This is obviously going to be an uphill battle. If the south can still justify their racist flag so many years later, you'll probably hold on to your justifications for years too.

P.s. OverlanderJK that big gay pride sticker on your jeep... I put that there. LOL!

That flag was not racist.
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