Fed up with stupid shit


A few days ago when the Dixie fire crested over the mountain in Janesville, CA my cousins ranch and their homes were in jeopardy. Their cousin Willis Dow who owns a earth moving company (typically levels ag fields and such) loaded up some equipment and a water truck and headed over to help. When the fire jumped HWY 395 Willis did everything in his power to stop it from destroying their livelihood and homes, cut fireline through sagebrush and even plowed over burning areas to snuff the blaze. I've heard from others in that area that his efforts saved other families homes as well.

I just heard a minute ago he was arrested for it...

I don't have facebook & had to have someone screenshot a post, thats willis fueling his dozer and my cousin standing behind him.

That is just fuckin ridiculous! All the more reason why I’m glad that I’m not in that fuckin state anymore!
Found a little story says he was arrested for cutting fire lines on private property and not having a red card. Also says most of the work was done on the family ranch and some neighbors. They also impounded his equipment. I'd be willing to bet they don't prosecute. USFS had him arrested. That's Federal. But hey California is so dumb.
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They also impounded his equipment. I'd be willing to bet they don't prosecute. USFS had him arrested. That's Federal.
Look what the Federal Govt. did to the Hammond family in Oregon.
And, remember what followed.
Very sorry for your family.
Found a little story says he was arrested for cutting fire lines on private property and not having a red card. Also says most of the work was done on the family ranch and some neighbors. They also impounded his equipment. I'd be willing to bet they don't prosecute. USFS had him arrested. That's Federal. But hey California is so dumb.
Well, my cousins were on the phone with Senator Dahle before they even made it to the jail, I was told the charges were drastically reduced immediately after that. I’ve never met Sen. Dahle but he is friends with both of those sets of cousins, Willis and the Senator were driving around the county immediately after he was ailed out
As of a moment ago there isn’t any info on the County Superior Court case tracker but if it a fed charge I don’t know how to look that up
Look what the Federal Govt. did to the Hammond family in Oregon.
And, remember what followed.
Very sorry for your family.
Lol! I’m not surprised that you would view the Hammond family with reverence. You are probably a fan of the Bundy family in Nevada too.

They don’t belong in the same thread as this guy cutting fire breaks.
I get that they don’t want untrained people going out and fucking up shit more, let’s be honest on the percentage of dumbasses vs people with common sense, could easily make things worse. Clearly not the case here, so fuck them.
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