Calling ATX Slab Owners


New member
Hello from New England,

Now that the weather has broke I decided to mount the my Slabs on a brand new set of 37's. But I have a question, I know you are to check the torque on the ring bolts monthly. Do you remove the wheels to do so or just air them down on the Jeep?

Thanks for the help


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You can just jack it up, let all the air out of the tires and re-torque.

edit: I've never heard of doing this monthly however. I did mine after the first few hundred miles and now at tire rotations.
You guys ever put anything on the bolts?

Nope. I put mine in dry. Definitely no locktite as it can cause the steel insert to bind to the bolt. When you try to take the bolts out, the steel insert can come out of the aluminum ring.

Anti-sieze could be an option I guess, but I've never heard of anyone using it.
Nope. I put mine in dry. Definitely no locktite as it can cause the steel insert to bind to the bolt. When you try to take the bolts out, the steel insert can come out of the aluminum ring.

Anti-sieze could be an option I guess, but I've never heard of anyone using it.

Ttfhell gave his the full treatment, soaked them to remove corrosion then got them all lubed up with anti-seize for his pleasure :eek:
Well, if I ever pull my bolts out, maybe a dab on anti-sieze will be in order. Probably helps that road salt isn't an issue here in Norcal. :)
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