Best time to buy a Jeep?

Lots of good info here as I'm looking into buying a new Rubicon next month. I may have to order the one I want. Thanks!
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Have to be careful with Truecar. Dealers can tack on fees to bump the price up. They tried to do that with me. You can get a better deal without Truecar or USAA buying service. Bottom line, shoot for 1-2% below invoice (don't even look at MSRP) if no one budges throw down the Treadlightly control number and get your 1% below that way. (Works on orders too) Make sure they know they get 2% back from Chrysler. Some dealers don't know that.

Also, sign up for the Brochures from Jeep. There is a chance of getting a "Golden Ticket" inside one of those which is $500-1000 off. Not guaranteed though.
It depends on the vehicle with all the upgrades. The dealers I went to didn't have a problem printing out the invoice sheet. You can roughly get an idea with though. (It's a little higher) I would recommended finding one you like with all the bells and whistles, ask for the invoice price, then you have your baseline to go on.

I can give you numbers for the builds I had inquired about but you may have to account for inflation with it rolling into 2016 models.
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It depends on the vehicle with all the upgrades. The dealers I went to didn't have a problem printing out the invoice sheet. You can roughly get an idea with though. (It's a little higher) I would recommended finding one you like with all the bells and whistles, ask for the invoice price, then you have your baseline to go on.

I can give you numbers for the builds I had inquired about but you may have to account for inflation with it rolling into 2016 models.

Thanks, I'm scouring the net and learning a lot. I've already potentially saved a few thousand dollars from what I've learned from this post!
I did a lot of research before I bought my Jeep. Don't leave out the option of looking into other states too. I ended up buying mine out of state (Texas). I still came out cheaper than buying one in Arizona (including airfare, and gas on the drive back). :thumb:
Probably not the answer you were looking for but the best time to buy a Jeep is today. Don't miss out on the joy of owning one for another day just to save a few dollars.

Friday nights are the best time to go to a dealer and they are more flexible towards the end of the month because they may be closer to hitting a retroactive bonus on the other units sold that month. Simply by rolling yours out the door.
The best time to buy is at the end of the month.... Dealers are motivated to increase numbers for there final count. Salesman may have added incentives as well....!!! If there is room to negotiate, believe they will!!!

Good Luck!!!!:thumb:
January and July are the best months to buy. FCA puts the largest rebates on those two months. January is for the fact no one is spending money and July as FCA starts rolling the new model year into the dealers.wranglers are tough as they are popular so the discounts aren't as good as say a patriot. Best tactic is to get the best price but always elude that you don't have a trade, even if they ask you up front tell them" I don't have a trade at this time" once you have the price you are comfortable with, that's your best price. If you're happy with it its a good price, that's when you say, "I have decided to trade in said vehicle". It will,piss them off but they can't screw with numbers they have already presented you and you will know the true number for your trade in.

Good luck.
I second what trailraider said about buying in January. I researched for a few months before buying and ended up walking out on the first guy after 2 hours. His manager called me back the next day, reduced the price from what I had initially asked for, threw in Guidepoint GPS monitoring for one year and gave me KBB private party value on my trade in.
Having been a sales manager for a DCJ dealer for a lot of years its funny reading through the different philosophies people have when it comes down to negotiating a car deal! ;)
Well, every dealer is different in their approach on how to do business so there is not an overall secret method that works universally! Most of the things mentioned "can work" but ultimately your best opportunity for the best price is when you catch the dealer at a moment of weakness when they themselves are desperate. The problem is this is completely random and often requires luck. For example... A random Saturday at 5pm when the dealer had forecasted 20 sales that day and had actually sold 4 cars and it's almost closing time. Naturally in a situation like that, dealers will be amazingly aggressive but there is no chart for the consumer to know when and where this will happen consistently. A lot of people will say the last day of the month is good because dealers are chasing a quota and this again can be true but most times that dealer already hit his quota and so it's really just like any other day. I will tell you that another perception is to go on big sale weekends like Memorial Day or 4th of July but in all actuality thats when we made our best grosses because the consumers guard was usually down. A no no for the consumer!

The dealer i worked for here in phoenix was ultra aggressive and I had the license to do basically whatever I needed to do to make sure we did volume... Enough volume that we were consistently #1 in town and in the top ten nationally month after month. For example, let's take a random Tuesday morning at 8am... I get lucky and sell our first car and make a $7000 gross. The next customer is looking at a truck at 9am but won't buy. I drop my price to zero profit... He won't buy. I view this now as a challenge... One I'm going to win so i drop another grand, 2 grand... I finally get him to say yes and I ended up losing $3600 net profit on the deal. Now at 95% of the dealerships out there this would have cost me my job. But the way we justified it was that I had sold 2 cars by 9am and averaged $1700 a piece and was on track for a big day. This is how we chased volume.

At the end of the day, it's mostly luck that will net you that "crazy deal"... Being at the right place in the right time. Your best odds at getting a fair price is to negotiate from an invoice. A reputable dealer will always have no problem showing you it. Many have mentioned joining clubs to get 1% below invoice which is called pp pricing or friends and family but truth be told dont waste your money. It can be had without spending the money. Invoice price is not actual cost for the dealer. The average jeep will net the dealer about a $1500 profit if they sell to you at invoice because they get additional monies from the manufacturer called holdback. The bottom line is if you can walk into a store and pay somewhere between $500-700 below invoice you've made a good deal. Its fair for you and its fair for the dealership. If the dealer wont commit to this then just say "next". Obviously this applies to run of the mill jeeps... Anything that is considered limited edition or limited availability, none of this applies. When the Challenger SRT8's first came out we were making $20,000 profit on each one we sold but thats a story for another day!;)

Hope this sheds a little light and helps at least one of you, if not more, save a little money!
Blazin gives some good tidbits.

Here's the truth of it all. The best time to buy a jeep/vehicle is when you are an educated buyer. Understand what dealer invoice is, not just invoice/msrp. Research if there are dealer incentives, which often differ from what is advertised. This knowledge makes "when" a little less important.

Find a dealership willing to start negotiations low. I usually start with an email to the Internet managers at several dealerships. Those that respond get dibs at negotiations. It's all sales and bargaining at that point. What I usually say is you'll make a sale with me but you'll make your profit on the next guy. Has worked great on the last 6 vehicles I've bought or leased for me or Mrs JAGS. Just got the wife a great deal this way on her new SUV and the dealer made less than $200 and ate transportation costs as the vehicle was out of state.
Best time to buy a jeep, or anything really, is when you can afford it. Of course that term means different things to different people. :yup:
Best time to buy a jeep, or anything really, is when you can afford it. Of course that term means different things to different people. :yup:

Coming from MTG this means you must have 8.24 times the total cost of the jeep in cash when you walk in the door. Additionally you must have paid off your first home, your vacation home, and your mother in-laws home. Your 401k contributions be maxed out and on pace to earn 300% of your annual gross income for 82 years after your retirement. Only after that and setting aside 8 years of college tuition for each of your children AND you are liquid for $300,000 are you ready to buy your jeep.
Best time to buy a jeep, or anything really, is when you can afford it. Of course that term means different things to different people. :yup:

Coming from MTG this means you must have 8.24 times the total cost of the jeep in cash when you walk in the door. Additionally you must have paid off your first home, your vacation home, and your mother in-laws home. Your 401k contributions be maxed out and on pace to earn 300% of your annual gross income for 82 years after your retirement. Only after that and setting aside 8 years of college tuition for each of your children AND you are liquid for $300,000 are you ready to buy your jeep.

I thought MTG just leases so he can write it off on his taxes.
Coming from MTG this means you must have 8.24 times the total cost of the jeep in cash when you walk in the door. Additionally you must have paid off your first home, your vacation home, and your mother in-laws home. Your 401k contributions be maxed out and on pace to earn 300% of your annual gross income for 82 years after your retirement. Only after that and setting aside 8 years of college tuition for each of your children AND you are liquid for $300,000 are you ready to buy your jeep.

:cheesy: But to be clear…

8.24 times the total cost of a Rubicon is ~$330,000 NOT $300K

I thought MTG just leases so he can write it off on his taxes.

I thought I could only write off the mods? :idontknow:
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