Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Star Trek reference aside, in many respects I agree with you; the stumbling fed gov’t response has been a knee jerk reaction to how it politically affects someone’s ability to get re-elected...only after a realization of the seriousness of the illness was impressed upon our leaders by the scientific community, some of whom have real credibility in epidemiology world, did we begin to take steps that should have been taken two months ago. When did they know what was about to happen? about when several senators sold millions of dollars worth of stock to invest in companies that sold PPE back in February after a Senate Intelligence Committee meeting...apparently there was enough info then to make serious moves in one’s portfolio during a historic bull market that normally would not have made sense...

The strength of any administration is the core group of intellectual informed advisors surrounding the person who has to digest and interpret the data to make the best decision possible at the time...when you replace the experts in their respective fields with cheerleaders and yes men, you have what we have now...a real shit show...

This. This president has never been able to digest any advice that didn’t align with his own beliefs. Unfortunately for us, he’s not the brightest tool in the shed so America is sort of navigating this crisis like an 8 year old that doesn’t like getting told what to do

Just go back and read what he’s said about covid from the end of January through to today. It’ll show you how our president got ‘blindsided’ by the virus .

If we had gone with the shut everything down for a few weeks approach when all of the experts were advising, we might be much closer to reopening the economy and saving businesses which is what I think we all agree on .

Now our choices are much more severe unfortunately .

Wonder why the stock markets don’t react when he says “we have it under control”

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Saw this and although I can’t entirely relate, I thought it always worth sharing.


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My bananas decided all this shit was too much for them and committed suicide.


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