Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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I haven’t watched the video, so I can’t comment on it. I can comment on how scary it is that social media platforms censor this video from actual doctors, just because they have a differing medical opinion. Even though I’ve had several medical opinions (and surgeries depending on how they felt) from different doctors.

I believe Tucker Carlson said something to the tune of how dangerous it is that we cannot have debate between both sides now. You either are for BLM or racist, you cannot believe certain medical opinions from doctors, college censorship, hate speech, etc. Open discussion and debate is being silenced and threatened, which leads down a scary one lane road.

BTW, found the video. Have to dig around a story or two that google hasn’t censored to get a link.
liberal media orchestrated plan to create mass hysteria and disrupt the one thing that they knew Democrats could not win on - a successful economy.
How do you explain to a person who “just follows the rules to get along” that the Constitution, and what flowed from it it...are more important than their life, or your own life, or even the lives of your children? Have we really come so far that we have forgotten the sacrifices that got us here? I’m seriously scared for the first time in my life. Not because of the virus, not because of the economy...but because “we” have forgotten what was given up to become free.

Those are my words. Not anyone else’s.

I think I’m checking out for a while. The collective “society” could use some self-reflection.

Sharkey posted this months ago but I encourage all here to reflect upon this. These wise words have stuck in my head. Regardless of the culture issues around us or where you are in life, what does it truly mean to be FREE?
Sharkey posted this months ago but I encourage all here to reflect upon this. These wise words have stuck in my head. Regardless of the culture issues around us or where you are in life, what does it truly mean to be FREE?

Checking out is probably not the best way to put it, but a lot of things really need to change. Everything "China" needs to end!
Checking out is probably not the best way to put it, but a lot of things really need to change. Everything "China" needs to end!

My local Home Depot doesn’t have shit for stock, not many tools. I guess that slow boat from China is delayed

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that's funny, in reality I suppose it should either be yay or nay, not really much room to "change" they way they count but hey what do I know. Must be they had to get up with the fed govt standard of counting in order to receive funding lol
Funny how that works... here in TX they’ve started “changing the ways they’re counting COVID deaths” and surprisingly they jumped up.[emoji848][emoji848]

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