A Little Snow Play Today

looks like fun

Jealous of the snow you have received I miss living up north, it is a big change going to school in
North Carolina from living in Connecticut. last year we had a 3 foot storm that barried the state. the snow was so deep that the plows had no where to put it all. What ended up happening was the roads became like blvd strips. The new place looks pretty sweet! Im in love with the 6 bay in the back I would spend all my time out there.


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Sweet pics!! Hoping to get some snow here on sunday although its almost 60 here today:thinking:

Congrats on the new place looks amazing out there
This seems like a good place for a lil story. So, 5 of us head out, I was in my old ZJ, we had 3 Rubi 2doors and an XJ with pretty bald tires. To Lizzy ridge we go, the top of which is just shy of 13k feet. There is easily 15-24" of snow so you can imagine it was a lot of hit it hard and jerk em out for the trail breaker. 3-4hrs later we are sitting at the top of lizzie and here comes a group of snowmobilers. They were so in awe of our accomplishment that 2 of em I know for sure now own Jeeps as well. Now you might think getting there was the fun part but for me goin down was awesome. It was like a skier hopping his/her way down steep mogul run. Snow wheeling is by far my favorite but it has a nasty price as in my experience you will eat more driveshafts than most other forms of wheeling. Anyway hope you get lots of snow and become an expert in snow wheeling as IMHO you already are in the other forms of our passion.

PS We just got 6-8" in Wy Mts then -15 deg so I was scraping my windshield and my sticker now says WAYAIIFE. Just checked and there are bright greens left so I'll be gettin a new one soon.
I know Eddy won't say how much he paid for his house and I won't either . Compared to so. cal . housing here is so cheap , you all would be surprised ! As far as the job market is concerned , I think I was lucky but , I have been doing the same kind of work for 30 years . I think Nevada has the worse unemployment rate then all other states .
As I read your initial post, I could hear you narrating the JKX. Now I'm all fired up and impatient for the 2013 videos. :doh::cheesy:
We woke up to about 5" and still falling steadily! Can't wait to take the jeep out later! Philomath, Oregon ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1386346017.499278.jpg

05 Tj, long arm, one ton, lockers, winches, 39.5" Iroks
Yea, if I lived in that mess I would definately have a beefed up jeep and not a beefed up sports car. I like living in the south though. Its 70* right now. :beer:
It's actually super mild climate where I am in oregon... It snows and melts away pretty fast.. Usually it's no more than a few days before it's gone, but a 15 minute drive up the local peak will have snow all winter long. Just enough to feel like its winter, without it being too much of a pain..

05 Tj, long arm, one ton, lockers, winches, 39.5" Iroks
Mother Nature can go F herself!! THIS SUCKS!! It would be fine if it was snow, but its 3" of ICE. It was in the 80's Tuesday and Wednesday!! Give me 110* every day of the year.

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Mother Nature can go F herself!! THIS SUCKS!! It would be fine if it was snow, but its 3" of ICE. It was in the 80's Tuesday and Wednesday!! Give me 110* every day of the year.


It's not that bad. I drove my wife to work. Mesquite to Carrollton.
I was out in it and it's not crazy bad, but definitely not ideal. I don't worry about me. I worry about the other morons on the road in Dallas.
Mother Nature can go F herself!! THIS SUCKS!! It would be fine if it was snow, but its 3" of ICE. It was in the 80's Tuesday and Wednesday!! Give me 110* every day of the year.


Right there with ya man, but I mostly hate driving with the Dallas people who are terrible drivers to begin with. Some jackhole in a Mercedes SUV sped past me and started losing control. STOP THAT $&@!
Right there with ya man, but I mostly hate driving with the Dallas people who are terrible drivers to begin with. Some jackhole in a Mercedes SUV sped past me and started losing control. STOP THAT $&@!

you can always tell who the texas folk are around here, they are either flying past you doing 90 in a 65 or flying off the road or stuck in a driveway somewhere complaining about the lack of starbucks...:doh:
You guys all used that storm by the time it got out to jersey it was 50s and rain. Being in the snowplow installation business for the past 20 plus years this weather the past few years is killing us.
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