2015 WAYALIFE Pilgrimage to the Promised Land

Eddie. You can take me off the waiting list. I wont be able to get away for the entire trip (with work and family right now) and dont want to be tentatively filling a spot when someone else could go for the entire trip and commit. But if you still do end of doing a meet up/bbq in Moab or somewhere in that area keep me posted on that portion as I should be able to get away for the weekend. Thanks.

One of these times I will be able to make a full trip.....
Eddie. You can take me off the waiting list. I wont be able to get away for the entire trip (with work and family right now) and dont want to be tentatively filling a spot when someone else could go for the entire trip and commit. But if you still do end of doing a meet up/bbq in Moab or somewhere in that area keep me posted on that portion as I should be able to get away for the weekend. Thanks.

One of these times I will be able to make a full trip.....

Sorry to hear that. Thanks for the heads up.
Okay everyone, you should have all gotten lodging information from me so please book your rooms and please let me know once that has been done. I NEED to know you are committed to joining on this run ASAP.
Okay everyone, you should have all gotten lodging information from me so please book your rooms and please let me know once that has been done. I NEED to know you are committed to joining on this run ASAP.

All my rooms are booked, check is sent, and my decals showed up today :thumb:
Okay guys, I just wanted to let you all know that 3 people had to drop out and I can go one of two ways here. I can either cap this run at 12 rigs or, I will need to have 3 more sign up. I can only do this in a set of 3 so if you're interested in coming, please let me know as soon as possible. Please note that there are 3 people who were on the waiting list and I will give them till the end of tomorrow to confirm before giving up their spots.
12 rigs would be even better

Oh, believe me, 12 would be a lot easier to do but, I've already paid for the condos and some money will be lost if I cancel the 5th. I'm okay with that but just in case, I thought I would see if there was any interest in filling in the last 3 spots. If I can't get 3, we will just close it off at 12.
I am one on the waiting list and to make a short story long - I can't commit at this time. The GF started a new job and won't know for awhile if she can get the week off. "Leave her at home you say" well that is usually the option but it is her 50th BD that week and for you youngsters you don't run off to the trail and ignore the big 50. oops I mean 39 :thumb: You can see where I am coming from.

However.com things in my life seem to change day to day so you never know if a last minute cancelation is required by a top 12 participant give me a call, you never know.
I believe rubirick can commit but he's out of the country right now and won't see this until he's back. Is there anyway to get him down?
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