$1000 Per Photo Fine!! That's what the U.S. Forest Service wants to Charge YOU

I've actually known about this new $1000 fine that the U.S. Forest Service wants to slap people with but, up until recently, it had always been my understanding that it was intended for businesses such as advertising agencies or TV shows. Apparently, this is now a fine that the feds want to enforce on journalists and quite possibly, YOU!

And here I thought paying taxes was enough oh and the usual entry fees into the parks.
All I can say to this new regulation is FUCK THAT!!

I take, but don't post, many pics and I don't care what they say, I will do WHAT I want, WHEN I want, and THEY can't stop me!
Here is something we live by at work. The old way of doing business was much more efficient. Today we get caught up in far too much because everyone has an idea or an opinion as to how something should be done. The "Forest Service" is just used as a place holder, but fitting for this thread..haha. You can substitute any government agency (local, county, state federal) and its pretty much how it functions...;) The forest service needs this fine to fund their next "project" as tax dollars are no longer enough.

Forest Service Parable.jpg

Also I just checked with one of our outdoor rec planners and for our agency the typical photo permit will cost anywhere from $150-$200 for stills and $400-$600 for motion picture depending on the shoot. It could cost much more than that if it intends on being elaborate, there are a lot of participants in the shoot, and/or will involve additional agency time to process the permit. Also this is only applicable if the intended purposes are deemed commercial ie..the person(s) involved may generate revenue from said photos. Additionally based off of what I was told video for use on YouTube has not yet been deemed commercial by my agency and to his knowledge nor any other federal agency. If anyone has dealt with this or any info I posted is contrary to what has been seen in the past please correct me. Just wanted to share.:twocents:
This shouldn't be Kosher even for professional photographers. How the hell can any normal rational person justify making anyone pay to take pictures on public land. And then specifying how the pictures should be used?! State sponsored/mandated media anyone?

Oh wait. This is the government we are discussing. It isn't staffed by normal rational people.
Well, after reading the article I personally think the author is hyping this up. I too believe the regulation is ridiculous, BUT does anyone truly think they are going to invest any time OR money into going after people who post photos of people or Jeeps in national parks? HIGHLY UNLIKELY. Media in most forms are used to elicit a response and play on peoples emotions usually in a biased way.

If there is any truth to USFS enforcing this regulation on regular (not commercial) folks snapping photos or making videos, I will also be in line to get cited just to have the opportunity to fight it. :yup:

I'm with you. How do they have the resources to chase after all of us, plus the hikers, bikers, and tourists fog all walks of life. In fact, if venture to guess there are far more people snapping and sharing on the daily than any of us hard working weekend warriors. Not to mention all my money goes to taxes, church, diapers, and Jeep parts. Good luck USF...come at me bro! 😂😂😂✌️
As a photographer, outdoor lover, and photography teacher I've been watching this thing unfold and fuming at the idea of it. What the hell are our lawmakers thinking? Fine a photographer for taking shots of this nations prized resources? Give me a f**king break.
Well, after reading the article I personally think the author is hyping this up. I too believe the regulation is ridiculous, BUT does anyone truly think they are going to invest any time OR money into going after people who post photos of people or Jeeps in national parks? HIGHLY UNLIKELY. Media in most forms are used to elicit a response and play on peoples emotions usually in a biased way.

If there is any truth to USFS enforcing this regulation on regular (not commercial) folks snapping photos or making videos, I will also be in line to get cited just to have the opportunity to fight it. :yup:

I would guess this is correct for the most part, but it does not make it any more right. The government continues to confiscate our rights and then sells them back to us. It is this continual trend of government that is so disturbing.
Whatever happened with this?? Definitely a Thread resurrection, nut seeing how I now find myself stateside, I'd love to know if this ever fell through? I love to take my share of Pics on my trips...
Whatever happened with this?? Definitely a Thread resurrection, nut seeing how I now find myself stateside, I'd love to know if this ever fell through? I love to take my share of Pics on my trips...

Being curious myself, I looked up the info on the USFS website:

Personal use:
If you are shooting still photographs or ‘home movies' for personal use (e.g. that does not involve advertisement of a product or service, the creation of a product for sale) then a special use permit is not required.
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