Saying Good Bye to Wilma - Lost her in a house fire on 6/20

Yeah I'm not planning on doing a go fund me page I just simply said he was like the fifth person to tell me. But thanks though… I'm gonna get back to taking the boards off the garage now so i can get my jeep removed ...
Yeah I'm not planning on doing a go fund me page I just simply said he was like the fifth person to tell me. But thanks though… I'm gonna get back to taking the boards off the garage now so i can get my jeep removed ...

Good luck man. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear about the fire. It's good to see you all made it out ok. Best of luck with the re-build of your home and Jeep
Yeah I'm not planning on doing a go fund me page I just simply said he was like the fifth person to tell me. But thanks though… I'm gonna get back to taking the boards off the garage now so i can get my jeep removed ...

Hey that's cool. Glad you all are safe and wasn't worse. Definitely stay strong. The good thing is that everything gets better. I've had my dad's house burn completely down to the ground. Lost everything, but we rebuilt and got back to "normal".
Sorry to see that happened. Things will pick up and slowly fall back into place. You'll be back in a new Jeep before you know it.
Sorry to hear that. As for the jeep being the cause, personally I will say not likely. While not impossible it was more likely worrying in the house or one of the appliances. As for the jeep while not impossible, you generally have to have something running that would draw a fairly sizable amount of power to cause it to burn down. Especially since it would have been electrical. Given the burnt plastic smell though I would say more likely it was a bad wire in the house itself or an appliance in that was maybe in use in the room.
Well, it's official - Wilma is no longer with us...

They dragged her out of the garage and flat bedded her away Tuesday morning... it was sad to see her go, but nice to finally have one part of this disaster taken care of...

Funny thing was I had my wife's anniversary card in the glovebox and was able to get it out and it was unharmed! the plastic bag it was in from Walgreens started to melt on the top but it kept the card sealed inside, doesn;t even smell like smoke or anything... fire is a crazy thing...

Here are the last picts I will ever take of her...

interior back.jpg

interior front.jpg


my wifes card...

jamies card.jpg

Wilma Back.jpg

front drivers.jpg

front pass.jpg

rear driver.jpg

and this fell out as they were dragging her from the garage...

That's crazy man. Sad to see her go, but hopefully this will help expedite things to getting the next one.
wow so sad but I am confused people park their jeeps and cars in the garage? I thought they were for storage lol.
Sorry for your loss and happy everyone is OK. Jeeping in general exemplifies being American. The go anywhere, do anything, live free type of lifestyle. Also the constant and never-ending improvement (from T. Robbins) of the Jeep. Of course when faced with catastrophic loss (relative to the Jeep) it's an opportunity to hit the reset and do it better then before. Best of luck on this as it relates to your Jeep and home/family. Bet the burnt smell still lingers.
To your auto insurance/property I have USAA which is excellent they only cover 5K in aftermarket mods. As mentioned you got to get very expensive insurance specializing in custom vehicles.
Just saw and read through this thread. Sucks but at least the family is safe. Saw in your first post you mention kid's clothing and stuff smelling like smoke. I've got a 3 1/2 y/o daughter and a 1y/o son. If you need any kids clothing I'm sure my wife and I can come up with a pile of things and send them your way. I think we already donated all of our girls baby cloths, but have a bunch that'll fit a 3 y/o girl.
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