Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

Talk about trying to CYA...this guys website has changed since the last time I looked at it just a couple days ago. I mean really, can you be more obvious with what your doing. Guilty conscious at it best.
View attachment 90117

I would love to see the rest of this sign. In part, it reads "Take a keychain", "Leave a donation" and "100% of the profits from the sale of our keychains." These are mutually exclusive ideas. If the keychains are free, then there are no profits. If you are making a donation, then there is no sale. If there is a profit, then that means there is a sale...and there are also expenses to which the sale proceeds are applied before there can be a "profit".

More important is what the sign does not read. It does not read "100% of the donations...."

Good eye Sharkey - that was spot on!!
I saw the Q&A but must have overlooked the charities list link. Either way its still a scam.

The link is new. And, if you look at it, you'll see that the only thing he claims to have done with both the Scion and now his JK (both built up with the help of sponsors) is "attend" events and "hand out fliers". Any mention regarding how much he used to say he raised for them has conveniently been left out. NO mention has been made regarding the "donations" he's personally collected or where that money went. :naw:
Damn, is it just me or is he getting faster at this? :eek:

It's because he is watching this thread. You would think he would learn by now to try and be a step ahead of us.

Or maybe he thinks he can delete the screenshots that we take. :idon'tknow:

Welcome to wayalife Robert! :standing wave:
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Damn, is it just me or is he getting faster at this? :eek:

He must be reading our forums...

Cant wait till the news program comes out on him...

Just need to make sure that they know about the internet "way back machine" that spiders the net looking at pages.

Also, if you ever need to make sure something is saved before it's changed, copy the link, google the way back machine, and plug the link in. It will spider that specific page and any pages you follow via links on that page. It does some of the web on it's own, but the rest needs to get prompted in for marking changes...
The link is new. And, if you look at it, you'll see that the only thing he claims to have done with both the Scion and now his JK (both built up with the help of sponsors) is "attend" events and "hand out fliers". Any mention regarding how much he used to say he raised for them has conveniently been left out. NO mention has been made regarding the "donations" he's personally collected or where that money went. :naw:

Not to mention only one of the links is for fallen hero's. The rest are for soldiers still serving or no longer serving.

And is it me or is "attending an event about a charity to raise money for that charity" kind of pointless? Don't all the people at that event already know about said charity?
Not to mention only one of the links is for fallen hero's. The rest are for soldiers still serving or no longer serving.

And is it me or is "attending an event about a charity to raise money for that charity" kind of pointless? Don't all the people at that event already know about said charity?

No, he is raising awareness about the charity event in which people are already attending therefore confirming that it is a charity.
It's because he is watching this thread. You would think he would learn by now to try and be a step ahead of us.

Or maybe he thinks he can delete the screenshots that we take. :idon'tknow:

Welcome to wayalife Robert! :standing wave:

Well, considering he's cleaned up just about everything from his Fallen Heroes Car gig and everything else on his resume, I'm surprised that he didn't get to this stuff sooner. :naw:

Not to mention only one of the links is for fallen hero's. The rest are for soldiers still serving or no longer serving.

The idea of asking for donations for "fallen heroes" has more of an impact than "lesser known troop charities".

And is it me or is "attending an event about a charity to raise money for that charity" kind of pointless? Don't all the people at that event already know about said charity?

No, he is raising awareness about the charity event in which people are already attending therefore confirming that it is a charity.

But, if he doesn't raise awareness, nobody will donate to his charitable organization. :idontknow:
Okay, this was originally posted by another member but removed due to the fact that it clearly displayed Robert Basil's home address. But, given the circumstances and the fact that he's deleting everything on the internet, I though I would post this (edited) screen shot of the FB page he created for his house called "The Basil House"....


I mean, who creates a FB page for their house? Also, why get so pissed off that your address gets posted up on a forum when YOU HAVE IT POSTED CLEARLY AND AVAILABLE FOR ALL TO SEE ON FACEBOOK :naw:
Update to local news investigation

So as we all suspected Mr. Robert Basil is following this thread. My posting of emails to the CBS 5 AZ may have hurt our cause, or it may actually be helping. I will leave it up to the group to decide.

From CBS 5 investigative reporter:

No problem, we can communicate via email. I received an email from Robert Basil, I have not reached out to him, any idea how he got wind?

My Reply:

It is apparent that he is following the Wayalife forum thread that has exposed him. As the members of that off road forum discover disparaging info on him, he is quick to make changes to any and/or all of his social media accounts. He was aware that one of the Phoenix residents, like myself, that are members of Wayalife.com were going to take action with your station. So once again it was proven that he has something to hide by his quick actions to change any past evidence that may prove incriminating.

Even if you are unable to uncover any wrong doing by Mr. Robert Basil, I believe the simple fact that he has reached out to you for whatever reason is sufficient enough proof for those of us concerned about his possible Veteran scam has him very worried about being publicly exposed.

Any part of his digital signature on social media sites that the members of Wayalife continue to find, shows he has been jumping from one 'flash in the pan’ idea after another. We are all in agreement that there is nothing wrong with an entrepreneurial spirit, however the Veteran’s Charity piece of this story is about as low as an individual can go as that plays off the sympathy of every ethical and morally sound American citizen.

Once again, I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to look into this for everyone of us concerned.

Wow! Just the other day I read a report about CNN following a charity and from their investigation found it to be a fake. Collected a very large amount of money.
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