Random Internet Shit you've come across

This is the type of shit in our culture that just mind boggles me. If you're feeling sad, a rodent may answer the reason for that......Oh, and YOUR tax dollars paid 1.5 million dollars for the study of this shit. That's the cost of 20+ JL Rubicons that you could be using out in the Wilderness pumping 22 caliber lead through these fucking voles in order to appease your feelings of grief.


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A local Little League outfit had a lot of their equipment stolen. A local car dealership announced on their facebook page they were going to help by donating $5 for every car sold in the month of October. They average 300-350 cars a month. People in the area immediately were upset by this as they felt they should donate more. People have a way of turning something good into something bad. This is why I hate people. Here is the article.

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