Recent Shooting and Discussion

And I apologize to the op that started this thread...the focus should be on the families that are mourning and grieving for the loss of their heart goes out to them

Yep, and it’s probably my fault this thread got off track and for that I also apologize. Without a doubt, the focus should be on these families and my heart also breaks for them. No parent should ever have to bury their child, especially under such unfortunate circumstances.
Not a democracy, it is a Republic. ;)

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” -Ben Franklin

Now that's a quote worth remembering!
And I apologize to the op that started this thread...the focus should be on the families that are mourning and grieving for the loss of their heart goes out to them

Without a doubt, the focus should be on these families and my heart also breaks for them. No parent should ever have to bury their child, especially under such unfortunate circumstances.

Agreed as well.
As an Australian I tend to stay out of the American gun debates on here as it is a different culture and in some areas I can see a valid reason for owning a semi-automatic weapon. However some of the comments in this thread are just wrong.

Guns aren’t banned in Australia they are just heavily regulated. I myself own 3 rifles and shoot regularly for sport. Semi -automatic weapons are allowed if you have a valid reason for ownership such as pest control or occupation.

There have been no mass shootings in Australia since gun control was introduced following the incident at Port Arthur in 1996. There are still plenty of illegal firearms on the street but they are mostly modified shotguns and single action rifles rather than ARs or even pistols. Police confiscate a lot more knives than anything else and usually cheap Chinese junk or steak knives.

Finally the Gods must be crazy is set in Africa not Australia.

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I'm writing my Congressman right now to ban Jeeps. I must speak on behalf of deer everywhere. ;)

You're looking at this all wrong.
Males are by far the most common cause of these horrible incidents. Not guns, automobiles, alcohol, drugs, PC culture or $^#&@ pressure cookers.

Let's just ban dudes.

Problem solved?
We can argue the 2nd amendment all day... doesn’t change the fact that this kid has issues. Remove every firearm and he may of plowed through a group a teens with a car....

He needs family, friendship, discipline, morals, values, appreciation, compassion, hobbies, roll models, guidance, a kick in the ass and Love. Somewhere in his youth, society failed him.
You're looking at this all wrong.
Males are by far the most common cause of these horrible incidents. Not guns, automobiles, alcohol, drugs, PC culture or $^#&@ pressure cookers.

Let's just ban dudes.

Problem solved?

You're correct. A world full of Caitlyn Jenners snorting estrogen would result in perfection.
Maybe, but there are many other things that are “only in merika”. Sometimes you have to take some bad with the know, the whole balance between safety and liberty?

This country has its faults for sure, but it also has its benefits. For me, those benefits outweigh the faults and exceed those provided in any other nation. But that’s just me; other people may have a different perspective.

Not disagreeing but I have to you think if one of the victims parents felt the same way you did 48 hours ago they're still feeling the same now?

Taking the good and the bad sounds great until the bad calls you at work with the news.

There is no single solution to the problem. Look up a 100-ish year old school incident in a little town called Bath, Michigan and you'll see crazy inflicting rage on schools was happening long before PC culture was even a thing.

But the root is always the kidding...anger.

What makes all these people angry?
Disenfranchisement from society for not fitting in perhaps?

PC at its core was intended to disuede people from holding other's differences in a negative light. Sadly, we see it abused far too often as a crutch for people who can't make it on the merits of their abilities. Playing the race card, etc.

I'm a very open minded person in a hobby that *seems* flooded with closed-minded bigoted redneckery. A trip over to JKOwner's casual shoot the shit corner will give you an idea of just how out of whack people can be.

My feelings: I don't care if you're gay, just got off the plane from some hellhole land on the other side of the planet where you are required to wear an unusual looking hat, or even if you don't believe in any religion or take religion way more seriously than I do. If you're cool, I'll hang with you because in the end, we are all the same (damn hippie).

Think the Jeep community as a whole feels the same way? Non-sarcastic question.

If people would appreciate differences instead of condemning them, then we'd all be less defensive because we wouldn't all feel under attack for being who we are maybe just lighten up instead of lashing out in a vengeful swan song of mass murder that no one is really going to recall a few years from now.

/end rant
As an Australian I tend to stay out of the American gun debates on here as it is a different culture and in some areas I can see a valid reason for owning a semi-automatic weapon. However some of the comments in this thread are just wrong.

Guns aren’t banned in Australia they are just heavily regulated. I myself own 3 rifles and shoot regularly for sport. Semi -automatic weapons are allowed if you have a valid reason for ownership such as pest control or occupation.

There have been no mass shootings in Australia since gun control was introduced following the incident at Port Arthur in 1996. There are still plenty of illegal firearms on the street but they are mostly modified shotguns and single action rifles rather than ARs or even pistols. Police confiscate a lot more knives than anything else and usually cheap Chinese junk or steak knives.

Finally the Gods must be crazy is set in Africa not Australia.

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Yes you are correct. It was 25+ years ago when I saw those movies...haha
You're correct. A world full of Caitlyn Jenners snorting estrogen would result in perfection.
Just got into the Tranny Maintenance thread and tale a look at the Amazon ads..haha

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Couldn’t agree more. 740,000 murders in 2016. 70,000 involved guns (less than 10%), less than 3000 (less than .5 percent of my math is right) are by ALL rifles not just AR-15s. Tell me why no one is in an uproar about the 670,000 people who have died by other means or even the 737,000 buy weapons other than rifles!? It’s not a gun issue it’s a political/media talking point to get more votes/power. If we are really concerned about preserving life why the HELL are we talking about AR-15s? And if guns were the issue. Why are the 100s of thousands of guns out there jumping out of their lockers and killing people by the millions?

Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. Just ask the Jews, the Armenians, Chinese political dissidents, Cambodians, etc. Hell ask the Australians since guns were banned homicides went up 3.2 percent.

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Well done! You Sir, argue with logic, not emotion and therefore triumph over those who reason with their feelings. We use to call them women. Now that category is open to any soft ass bitch with low testosterone[emoji23]

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I really don’t understand why civilians need access to semi automatic high capacity assault rifles.

I completely understand pistols for home protection and conceal carry protection.

I completely understand rifles and shotguns for hunting.

I completely understand sniper rifles for marksmanship sport.

But I do not understand the need for ARs. If nothing changed after 20 elementary students were slaughtered at Sandy Hook, it’s obvious nothing will.

Edit: capacity for volume

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Sandy hook was hand gun, the AR was found in the trunk of the car and never used

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Sandy hook was hand gun, the AR was found in the trunk of the car and never used

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Maybe my little info is wrong, pretty sure when this happened the hand gun was used, Wikipedia says otherwise. Either way, I’m not concerned what type of gun killed a kid, I am concerned with why a kid gets killed with a gun. In the 60’s a gunman was on a tower at the university and killed 13 and injured 31 with bold action rifles. These crazy freaks will find a way.

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Prayers for the 17 kids killed today!

A whole lot of discussion here, most of which has been proffered before and likely will be again. Sadly, I’m afraid nothing will change because people are not willing to move on from their beliefs.

But can someone point me to the pray for the 10,000+ civilians killed in Syria last year thread? I seem to have missed it.

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