Wrecks suck


Junkyard Dog
I know I haven't been on here in awhile, making a living gets in the way abit. A dumbass pulled out in front of me at an intersection . I had a green light and was doing 40-45mph, he apparently had a green light but no arrow to turn in front of me on his side. There another car he was trying to follow behind and I guess he thought since he went he also should go. After wreck he got out and laid on ground complaining it was my fault. Bleh, EMT's carted him off. I basically hit him and drove over the front of his car. Initially my damage didn't look too bad. But after looking my frame is bent in an s curve , engine moved back several inches, t-case cracked open, front axle bent and CA's driver side ripped off, and a host of other crap. Deemed a total loss, arguing with ins company over the settlement they want to give me as of yet.ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1450966141.349386.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1450966201.600319.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1450966309.332038.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1450966354.821491.jpg
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Hate to see this but glad you came out alright. Insurance is always going to be a pain in the ass but hopefully they'll come through
Man that sucks but glad your ok. What a jerk off trying to blame you. I hate people who do that crap. Anyways, I hope the insurance company treats you right!
Welcome back mk!! Glad your ok. Your jk looks like it needs some help, but definitely not as much as his car.
People suck. I am glad that you are ok and I hope the insurance companies see through his bullshit.
It's good to see that you walked away without any serious injuries (I hope)! Not good news about your Jeep though. :( Is it time for a new build? A fresh start?
Awe man, I don't know how I missed this post. That totally sucks but I'm glad that you were hurt. Please keep us up to date on things.
damn, I another crash, after my crash my wife wants one now, and when I show her ur pic she's really gonna bug me. she want a safe car for her and the kids.
them and it sucks that all these crashes in xmas week. Hope ur ok. Good luck with the insurance.
Yeah I wasn't hurt at all. Sore neck and should like I'd been thrown on the mat a few too many times, that's it .The guy was lucky I hit the brakes and turned the wheel, if not I'd went straight over the car and took the roof off, most likely decapitating him. The swoosh look on his windshield was where my front tire was laying sideways and went across, another foot or two and he'd be dead. I'll most likely have to pursue his insurance. Anyway, this Saturday I'm going to have it towed from the wrecker yard to my house. I dismantle and put back to stock if I have to. New build in the near future.
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