Would you recommend installing C gussets with 35’s?


New member
Would you recommend installing C gussets with 35’s? Im worried about the ball joints getting over heated. Im going on a long trip to Big Bear and I don’t want to run into any problems with the ball joint. I have Synergy ball joint installed now. Thanks for the advice.
Would you recommend installing C gussets with 35’s? Im worried about the ball joints getting over heated. Im going on a long trip to Big Bear and I don’t want to run into any problems with the ball joint. I have Synergy ball joint installed now. Thanks for the advice.

It is highly recommended since the bigger tires with the weaker inner C's on a stock axle will cause them to bend. I had my inner C's gusseted when I had the ball joints replaced. As long as the welder does short sections your ball joints should be good.

Would you recommend installing C gussets with 35’s? Im worried about the ball joints getting over heated. Im going on a long trip to Big Bear and I don’t want to run into any problems with the ball joint. I have Synergy ball joint installed now. Thanks for the advice.

Absolutely install the gussets! However, make sure a knowledgeable welder does the work. As long as they take their time laying only small beads at a time (~1" or so), and allowing some time to cool in between beads, your ball joints should be fine. If they just burn in the C-Guesset in one shot, you ball joints will get fried.
Okay sounds good thanks everyone for the responce, I was just worried with the ball joints and 12 hour drive. I talked to the welder and he seems to know what he was talking about. He said hes done alot of them on the JK's. Im getting them done this Friday.
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