WORK IN PROGRESS - 2013 King of the Hammers Short


Staff member
I know you're all waiting patiently to see Part 3 of HEARTLAND - The 2012 JK-Experience but, thanks to the recent King of the Hammers race, we've had to put it on hold for just a bit so that we can work on this small side project. Here's the first of many teaser screen shots of what we're working on :)

Sequence 01.Still018-kohfilm.jpg

Sequence 01.Still019-kohfilm.jpg
Nice can't wait to see another badass Wayalife film. BTW, who's that stud I see? Is that the notorious Gregor the Overlander? I hear he is going to be on this quarters Overlander Journal.
Nice another video to look forward too!

That is Gregor.. It looks as though the Gregor is in rare form here pictured, as he surveys the land for his next overland expedition.
Cannot wait! I know it is not possible, but I wish there was a way to download them to my iPad for my flight on Sunday.
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