Where does the time go??


New member
So my Daughter turns 15 this sunday so last sunday we are out in the jeep and i asked her if she wanted to drive ...She said "yes" this a Manual 6 speed not a auto...I couldn't be more proud she only killed it twice :thumb:.... So it looks like she got the jeep Bug .. i guess i have a year to find her a starter Xj :doh:.....

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That's fantastic! Good on her!

I've always believed that everyone should learn to drive a manual transmission - just in case. I taught both of my sons to drive in a manual trans Jeep and they both still prefer manuals over automatics.
Smile says it all.
And I agree, always best to learn on a manual....both my kids learnt to drive a manual, my 17 yo daughter has a manual car and loves it.
My buddy in 09 his dad offered him his new manual jkr or auto Honda Civic. He chose the Honda because he wasn't a man yet.
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