What's your favorite movie

Real Genius
Office Space
Three O'Clock High
Just about any of the New Animated Movies:
How To Train Your Dragon 1&2
Monsters... etc
Best thing about having kids!! Well, that and the toys.. :yup:
Lot of good ones out there now a days!!
Ohh that's a good one but Dumb and Dumber is probably mine. But i love a good jim carrey, chris farley, adam sandler, will ferrel, and rob schneider movie just to name a few.
i can watch these movies every day of the week would be...
Never Back Down
Joe Dirt
Dazed and Confused
Pineapple Express

not in that order of course!
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Not a very popular movie but, "From Paris with Love" is a great movie with John Travolta. Also I like basically anything with Mark Wahlberg
I'd have a long list of movies that I love but if I have to pick a favorite:

Raiders of the Lost Ark. No question.


Trust me.

Those giraffes you sold me...

they won't mate.

They just walk around eating...

and not mating.

You sold me...queer giraffes.

- I want my money back.

Slave Trader:

- Not a chance. I do special price for you.


On what?

Slave Trader:

Have you seen my new stock?
Come and see them.


Do any of them fight?
I've got a match coming up.

Slave Trader:

Some are good for fighting,
others for dying.

You need both, I think.

Haha right. I just like the Roman Era movies.
Pulp Fiction
American Graffiti
Fast and the furious series
Smoky and the Bandit (childhood favorite)
Bourne movies
Saving Private Ryan
Can't forget Sling Blade 😜
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