What seat covers are you running?

Looking for opinions on rear seat covers. I have dogs, and want to get some type of rear seat covers. I currently have one of those dog blankets and it works fine but looking for more of a form fitting cover.

What are you guys running, what do you like, which ones should I stay away from etc?


I have Trek Armor rear seat covers and they are incredible. I also have an Aussie so I know what you need. The fur vacuums right off if there ever is any. The mud from paws wipes right off with wet rag and they look brand new. My Aussie has even thrown up on them and it cleaned right up.
Also, if you just want black which is what I went with contact Northridge 4X4 and they had mine in stock and I had them in 2 days from order. I paid $260 shipped and it was the best mod I made to date.
I was looking at those, and prime8 loves his....but I was curious how water resistant/ proof they are and how badly short dog hair sticks to/in them

Got them installed yesterday and they fit great. They seam pretty waterproof, I poured some water on them to check and it just pooled up. I did not let it sit long so I don't know if it would seep through. I don't own pets so dog hair proof??
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