What does the Rubicon sway bar and motor usually sale for ?


New member
I was looking at selling one off a 2014 that has no issues. Just don't know what is a good asking price.
Got mine for cheap but it was cheap for a reason. I had to completely disassemble it and clean it up for it to disengage. I paid $180 but I've seen them from $250-400 with nonfunctional electronic motors.
I got mine from a guy for $150, but I talked him down quite a bit since he didn't have the bushings/retainers or any of the electrical with it. I think he was wanting $300-$400 originally. I put new bushings and an EVO no-limits on it anyway :D
I paid $300 for a sway bar, working motor and harness out of a 2014 JK. This was in So Cal. I sold the motor for $90 and bought the manual disco knob.
I bought mine for $70. Technically it was free, I just had to cover shipping. However, most I'd say go for around $300+.
I think it depends on what someone is willing to pay. That being said I think I paid around $350 off if eBay.
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