Wave from Tennessee

Big Rock

New member
Hello, My name is Charles and I'm a build-aholic.....

Hello to everyone. Newby here just wanted to introduce myself. Been here a while but new to forums of all kinds. Sorry it took so long Eddie. I know you told me to do this a long time ago. Honestly I didn't know what to say. But just to get my feet wet I decided today was the day. Found the site after seeing the videos about Moab. What an awesome place. I'm currently working on a JKU build that is quickly getting out of hand. I have three other builds that are all partially started and put aside to concentrate on the new project until it hopefully is completed. Does anyone else have this problem?
Welcome! Glad to have you.

I wish I had that problem. I've got one build and it moves pretty slowly. But start a build thread and l'll definitely follow it.
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