Wave from PA


New member
Hey all,
I'm waving from Pennsylvania. Just wanted to thank those responsible for creating this forum and those who share their vast knowledge. I recently bought a 2007 Jeep Wrangler X and it is my first Wrangler. I have lots of mods in mind and i'm sure that I will have plenty of questions. Hopefully someday i'll be able to pass my knowledge on to new guys, along with a wave of course.

I like the east coast, but i would like to make it over to the west coast some day. Especially after watching all of Wayoflife's Vids. I think my fiancee would even enjoy something along the lines of the 2011 Central Coast Topless Tour & Wine Tasting.
I was only ever stationed on the east coast and overseas while i was in. So settled in back in pa and started going to school... my mom lives in cali though, maybe next summer i should take my jk and visit.
We were station in AK from '06-'10 that's the only place out "West" I've ever lived, everywhere else was on the east coast. I'd love to make my way to the south west someday
That's cool, I always thought it would have been nice to be stationed in AK. I think I like living on the east coast, but it would be fun to travel and hit up trails on the west coast. Wayoflife definitely makes it look fun over there.
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