Wave from Miami, FL


New member
Just became a new member and wanted to send out a quick WAVE to all!! :standing wave:

Have a Jeepin' weekend! Happy Trails to all! Here's a pic of my 2007 JKu I bought last week... Already cut the fenders, lift came in on Tuesday and having it installed tomorrow. Tires coming in a few weeks. If you guys have any good name ideas, shoot 'em my way!

Photo Mar 24, 5 44 49 PM.jpg
Welcome! :standing wave:

Very nice. You don't waste any time do you?
:LOL: yeah I sold my Chevy Avalanche to get the JK and keep some money from the deal. The deal was that I would pay off my credit card debts and put some money aside for my wedding in December.... and any money left over, I would be free to spend to mod the Jeep. That being said, I had to spend the money on the Jeep quick lol before I found some other toy to splurge on..... say, a boat.... lol :nuts:

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