Watcha cookin'?

Call me when you are married with kids and have time for a charcoal grill. I need gas and I need it now. I love my Weber!

this is so very true. i need fire and heat right now. my house is like a nest with a bunch of baby birds chirping over and over again waiting for food.

andrew -
Chicken apple sausage, grilled zucchini, and jasmine rice. "Paired" with a 2013 Sailor Jerry and coke.* ;)


*sometimes you just need 92 proof!
I should have taken a pic of TWO cheese grilled cheese sandwich but I didn't want everyone to get jealous .

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This is for JAGS, cause I bet the old Carl's Jr is starting the bubble guts about now.

Paleo muffins!


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Thanks dude! Now time to get Betty washed.

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Just made the kids cinnamon rolls. Sorry, no pics, but the kids love when I make breakfast on the weekends. All sugared up to start the day (fruit and milk too just to even things out a bit)! :crazyeyes:

Off to derby race soon and then the SnG. I washed up ENVY yesterday. She's ready for the party.:yup:

Used to go on trips with the Boy Scouts.... one trip required a can of soup.... we'd put ALL the cans in a big pot... garbage pail soup we'd call it! Was DEEEEeeelious !

4lbs of Bacon and Makers Mark Bourbon, 2 of the key ingredients in my Sweet and Smokey Bourbon Chili! MMMM!!! :rock:


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4lbs of Bacon and Makers Mark Bourbon, 2 of the key ingredients in my Sweet and Smokey Bourbon Chili! MMMM!!! :rock:

bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon . That sound awesome . That was one of my choices I'm not sure if I'm getting chilly for stroganoff .

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