Wanted: OEM bumper winch mount


New member
Hey guys, me again. Over the weekend I picked up an 8K Mile Marker winch at a price I simply couldn't refuse. A winch wasn't fist on my list of mods as I eventually want to get an after market bumper after my lift and wheels but it just happened that way.

Now I don't want this winch to spend months on the shelf waiting on a bumper so I was wondering if anybody would have a OEM bumper winch plate for sale. New ones are only around 160$ from what I can see but I really wouldn't mind a used one if I can find one.

Let me know! :beer:

Don't follow me, I'm lost too! O|||||||O
matt08jk had one a while back I was looking at but couldnt make it happen. Might check with him to see if hes still got it.
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