Wait and buy a 24 Gladiator or buy 23 Gladiator?


New member

looks like lots of incentives out there to by a 23 Gladiator on dealer lots…3k rebate and dealers giving 3-5k additional discounts…can get a 63k Rubicon for about 56k…
Tempted to buy, but another dealer saying to wait for 24 Year Model, saying lots more options and the actual new build pricing on a 24 with more standard features is actually cheaper?

thoughts? Anyone else in same dilemma?
If you want the new options bigger screen uglier grill power seats etc then I’d wait.
the power train is still the same so capabilities don’t change.
No question. ‘24

If I wanted an old outdated relic I’d buy used. No chance I’m buying a brand new vehicle that is already phased out.
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