Victorian High Country 'Melbourne Cup' Weekend


New member
Tuesday next week our Great Southern Land (Oz) with stop for a horse race. In Victoria, where I live, we get the whole day of as a Public Holiday - can't be bad, aye!

That means pack the Jeep on Friday for a loooong 4-day weekend of hitting the trails somewhere (coz, who the hell would go to work on the monday!!)

This year, we're of to the Victorian High Country.

Drive up to a Dargo Friday arvo (about a 4 hour trip). Pub meal along the way somewhere. Probably arrive in Dargo around 8 or 9 pm. A couple or three rounds of American Honey then hit the sack.

Saturday morning, after a hearty bacon and eggs breakfast, take the doors and roofs off and head off into the wilderness for a couple of days of driving rocky terrain, steep tracks, rivers to cross, old mines to explore - should be fun :)

We'll take some video along the way and post up something as soon as we can.

Hope you guys are able to get away somewhere this weekend too

Cheers for now.
You must post some pics of your outback adventure. I miss being in Australia. Have been there several times and enjoyed every minute of my stay. The one benefit of being in the US Navy. :thumb:
You must post some pics of your outback adventure. I miss being in Australia. Have been there several times and enjoyed every minute of my stay. The one benefit of being in the US Navy. :thumb:

happy to :)

check out our club web site for more recent trips, including crossing the Simpson Desert -
Well, we made it through the weekend relatively unscathed - a leaking front axle seal for us, discovered while parked at the pub on the way home, a broken rear drive shaft uni for the red TJ and a broken clutch for the other TJ.

Didn't end up taking the doors off as the rivers were a little higher than planned. And we got light snow in November (this is our late Springtime).

My son, Kyle, has put a video together, which i hope you'll enjoy -

Til next time :standing wave:
Great video. :clap2:

Reminded me just how good it is down there. Love the High Country! :thumb:
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