Truck-Lite headlight strobe issue


I just wanted to share my experiance with my truck-lite headlamps and truck-lite customer service. I was having a very strange issue with BOTH of my headlights going into "Strobe"mode. It would happen only after the headlights have been on for an extended time. Oh and I might add that this is not to be confused with the "flicker" LED headlamps have with the JK. My headlights would go crazy and blink on and off and an insane speed resulting in cars honking at me and people flashing their lights at me. Well I contacted Truck-lite and they told me it was most likey due to faulty anti-flicker harness and that they would replace them. I asked them if the headlamp themselves could also be a factor. Well to my amaze, they just offered to just replace everything for peace of mind. So new headlamps and harnesses are now installed and I have yet to replicate the problem. I knew there was a reason I spent so much money for these truck-lites. Well done Truck-Lite!! :beer:
awesome customer service!
Did they ask for the old parts back? I assume they'd want to see if they could reproduce the problem for QC reasons.
Sounds like your headlights just wanted to start a party....glad to see how awesome their customer service is tho if I ever need to use them.
Sounds like your headlights just wanted to start a party....glad to see how awesome their customer service is tho if I ever need to use them.

they were on some E and trying to rave :sFun_tease:

yea glad to know if i ever have an issue that it will be taken care of easily.
awesome customer service!
Did they ask for the old parts back? I assume they'd want to see if they could reproduce the problem for QC reasons.

Yes they told me they were going to include a shipping label but I didn't get one in the packages. I'm going to contact them as see what they want me to do. I feel very appreciated/respected as a truck-lite customer. Again bravo!

Sent via my free government phone from my government subsidized home. Off to make another baby to bring home another 1K of welfare!
I just wanted to share my experiance with my truck-lite headlamps and truck-lite customer service. I was having a very strange issue with BOTH of my headlights going into "Strobe"mode. It would happen only after the headlights have been on for an extended time. Oh and I might add that this is not to be confused with the "flicker" LED headlamps have with the JK. My headlights would go crazy and blink on and off and an insane speed resulting in cars honking at me and people flashing their lights at me. Well I contacted Truck-lite and they told me it was most likey due to faulty anti-flicker harness and that they would replace them. I asked them if the headlamp themselves could also be a factor. Well to my amaze, they just offered to just replace everything for peace of mind. So new headlamps and harnesses are now installed and I have yet to replicate the problem. I knew there was a reason I spent so much money for these truck-lites. Well done Truck-Lite!! :beer:

Very cool they replaced them...

one of mine would do the same thing, no flicker but a party in the lens lol, I disconnected it and spread the connectors a little and reconnected, I haven't had that issue since.
How long ago did the strobe problem happen after you bought the lights? And did you buy the lights directly from truck lites? Because I'm having the same issue with my truck lites too
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