Transit of Venus


Staff member
Sure hope you all kept your sun viewing glasses because on Tuesday, June 5th, you will get to see the Transit of Venus. The next viewing won't be until 2117 so this really is a once in a lifetime event. With the exception of weather, you should be able to see this from anywhere around the U.S. See NASA video below for more info:

A lot more info can be found on the NASA site here:


Hmmmm, not looking too good. Looks like we're gonna have to pack up and head out to somewhere a bit more clear.
This is typical. Clear as can be for a week, today it's raining here.
Yesterday we had a halo around the sun from the ice crystals in the very high clouds. That was cool.

The Sun with Halo.jpg
This is typical. Clear as can be for a week, today it's raining here.
Yesterday we had a halo around the sun from the ice crystals in the very high clouds. That was cool.

nice! you guys should be seeing this happen at about 6pm your time. :thumb:
had to drive out to the desert to see it but, we did get to see it. i'll try to post up some pics as soon as i can.
well, this is a shot of what we saw...


of course, we saw a lot of other things along the way too :D
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