To skid or not to skid..

With a Rubicon trip rapidly approaching, it is time for me to address Mumbo's evap canister. In looking at ways to protect it, I see that I have choices of either moving it or getting a skid and leaving it where it is. So, which is better, cheaper, and easier? And of course, what is a decent middle of the road brand?
Moving it takes a few bolts and some 5/8 fuel line. Pretty easy and cheap. Use the cash for that evap armor for something else.
I was thinking about doing this skid as well. The main issue I have with buying a $100 skid for the evap box is that the evap box isn't critical. So you crush it or knock it off on the trail. What happens? Nothing. An annoying check engine light pops up and you go on your merry way until your state inspection or the light drives you crazy. Its basically buying insurance on a $300 item..only the insurance premium is 33% of the cost of a replacement. Is that crazy expensive? No, but its not cheap. Figure Apple Care costs $100 for a $300 iPhone so its the same thing, but I think my chances of shattering the screen or dropping my iPhone in water are greater than damaging the evap canister that many here claim is fine after multiple wheeling trips. Does it mean I wont do it? Nope, but it definitely has kept me from pulling the trigger so far.
I was thinking about doing this skid as well. The main issue I have with buying a $100 skid for the evap box is that the evap box isn't critical. So you crush it or knock it off on the trail. What happens? Nothing. An annoying check engine light pops up and you go on your merry way until your state inspection or the light drives you crazy. Its basically buying insurance on a $300 item..only the insurance premium is 33% of the cost of a replacement. Is that crazy expensive? No, but its not cheap. Figure Apple Care costs $100 for a $300 iPhone so its the same thing, but I think my chances of shattering the screen or dropping my iPhone in water are greater than damaging the evap canister that many here claim is fine after multiple wheeling trips. Does it mean I wont do it? Nope, but it definitely has kept me from pulling the trigger so far.

Yours already came with one from the factory
Yours already came with one from the factory

Its some sheet metal, and I suppose its better than nothing, but the metal is so thin, I would guess any decent hit that would damage the evap would render the skid useless as well.
I have it on my 2010, it was kind of a pain to install.

Hadn't hit the evap in all the trips before and I put in on because I was going on a rock wheeling trip - didn't hit the evap once but it's on now.
I have it on my 2010, it was kind of a pain to install.

Hadn't hit the evap in all the trips before and I put in on because I was going on a rock wheeling trip - didn't hit the evap once but it's on now.

But I know me, as soon as I don't do it I'll regret it.
well, the evap canister for the 07-11 models is only $55 from Quadratec....

Quad makes a skid for $90

all things I discovered after installing the PS skid :doh:
I have a buddy that knocked his off on the trail and drug it behind him. We just pulled over and rebolted it up. Seemed fine. I never touched mine. But I don't see the harm in a $100 skid.
Honestly, if you're going to do anything, I would relocate it. That way, it never gets hit.
I installed the PS skid on Meants' Jeep. It's an easy install and if you think about what you are doing before you do can complete the install without unplugging the evap.
Warranty? Haven't had one of those since the day I brought it home, lol.

Haha I have a feeling I have a rough road ahead with my local dealership also. I bought the jeep out of town because it was 5k less and they have already given me crap about not buying it there. Bring it on warranty nazis
Doesn't the evap canister cost half as much as the skid? Of course now that I say that I'll probably destroy mine on the con next month :doh:
Yours already came with one from the factory

Its some sheet metal, and I suppose its better than nothing, but the metal is so thin, I would guess any decent hit that would damage the evap would render the skid useless as well.

I agree the factory one is worthless

Honestly, if you're going to do anything, I would relocate it. That way, it never gets hit.

This!! Especially if your runnin the Dynomax Comp series exhaust since most evap skids are bulky and the exhaust takes up the space that it would occupy.

I tried to use a GenRight skid and this was the case for me. I could have modified it, but I didnt want it closer to the drive shaft as it already is close when fully flexed. I ended up doing nothing and IF I do, itll be a relocation. :thumb:
I agree the factory one is worthless

This!! Especially if your runnin the Dynomax Comp series exhaust since most evap skids are bulky and the exhaust takes up the space that it would occupy.

I tried to use a GenRight skid and this was the case for me. I could have modified it, but I didnt want it closer to the drive shaft as it already is close when fully flexed. I ended up doing nothing and IF I do, itll be a relocation. :thumb:

Aha! Never even thought about the Dynomax being an issue. Who makes a decent relocation kit? I'd rather get a kit than make 50 trips to Home Depot to Put together a DYI setup.
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