Tire Rotation

Nope. Never did it on any vehicle I've ever owned. I don't see the point (for someone like me that won't switch tire sizes/brand) Just my preference. Not saying rotating all 5 is wrong, I just don't see the benefit.

not really the best advice, that's like saying you turn your underware inside out instead of putting on a fresh pair. but if it works for you, more power to you..:thumb:
Fwiw if a spares been sitting for an extended period of time unused like that, a tire shop WILL NOT TAKE IT - Because it's potentially rotted, unsafe from lack of use and exposure to the elements. Sun/rain/etc.

If for nothing else other than to have a spare that's functional, prolong tire tread life and to minimize the chance of having an oversized spare at 40% or less tire life for the other 4 I rotate all 5.

Just my .02
Wow, I'm really surprised at the advice given here. While, in general it's not a big deal to just do 4, if you have 5, and if you have the ability, you should no doubt rotate all 5 in my opinion. If you tend to wear your tires down to the end, and you had a flat would you want to put a brand new on as a spare? Seems like a no brainer that you'd want an identical tread depth and overall wear for all 4 of your tires... I liken it to running with a donut. It just doesn't feel great and you can notice the difference. With a matched spare it's no big deal at all.

The only other reason I can say to stick with 4 is if you know 110% that you're going to get the same tires next time. If you're going to upgrade in size or type, why not just rotate all 5?

Also my 2c..
Ok and if you get a flat because of sidewall damage then you put a new spare on and replace the damaged one you still have one new tire and 3 that are half tread.

And no offense but you don't really wheel (and when you do it's not rocky or fast) so I can see how you haven't gotten a flat. Between one buddy and myself we have had 5 flats in a year and a half.

I mean nothing offensive by that, just putting things into perspective.

More than fair enough. No offense taken. I definitely don't wheel nearly as rough as most here (although I do introduce my tires to a fair amount of sharp stuff even though it isn't too technical when I do wheel) but I see your point. The catastrophic failure example is valid, but has a small hole...no pun intended...if you rotate all 5 tires, and then get a flat, yes, you now have all 4 matching, but you have to buy a brand new spare with different tread depth...so eventually, you basically have to run a tire with a different depth. There definitely is a good reason for some people to rotate all 5. For me personally, rotating 4 at a time has been ok. IMHO, there is no right and wrong, simply what works for whom.
not really the best advice, that's like saying you turn your underware inside out instead of putting on a fresh pair. but if it works for you, more power to you..:thumb:

Wasn't really advice, just what I have been doing. As stated, there is no getting away from running with uneven tread depth, it's impossible. It's a matter of run different depth now (4 tire rotation) or later (5 tire rotation.)
I think part of it might be, will you be able to use your spare as just a stop gap to limp to the tire shop. Or will you need to use it for several hundred miles while completing a run.

Some people might wheel OHV parks so not a big deal. Others may go on multiple day trips through the desert.

I'm actually somewhere in between so I can see both sides, but it was just my laziness that got me in this position. Oh well. I'm having a cold one. All is good :)
I'm planing on doing a 5 tire rotation. All 5 tires are new. Toyo MT's. At what mileage should I rotate them. The dealer still does my oil change ( first 4 free) at 4k. But the tire shop says 6k to 8k for rotation. Seems alittle long. They said if you rotate them too soon they start to feather ??? Sooo... I ask here for the right answer, based off of experience. Thanks for the help
Rotate it in. Tires have a born on date and typically have a shelf life. On your sidewall there is a week and year code based on MFG date (1215. - 12th week of 2015). No use preserving a tire in my opinion.
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