The million dollar question..


New member
Trying to check the auto trans fluid on my 2016 JK leaves me scratching my head. Owners manual says one thing, dipstick says another. Both say at operating temp but one says with the trans in park and the dipstick says neutral. Now I don't suspect the trans fluid is low as it doesn't even have 400 miles on the jeep. I was just checking to check.. Any insight?
If you want to pick one, I'd pick manual. They are updated yearly. The dipstick would require retooling so probably didn't want to spend that money. It's still dumb they dont match.
In park it read perfect, neutral gave me kind of a low reading, but maybe I did something wrong. It's driving fine, I was just checking to check like I said. Maybe I will check it again tomorrow when I get home from work.
drive it around or if you let it warm up then go through the gears until it engages in each gear, back to park then check it
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