Susquehanna Motor Sport or Trucklite/TLG-Auto type harness


New member
Anyone have opinions/experience on these anti-flicker harnesses? The SMS harness draws power straight from the battery. The others go in line of the factory harness. Is one better than the other? Pros or cons?
Do you have the lights now or just thinking ahead for the future. I run a set of Truck-Lite harnesses and they work great. While I never really see the flicker, we have verified that the harness does work using a video camera and slowing down the frame rate.
I just have the regular truck lite harness (H13 or something like that) and don't notice any flicker. If I park in front of my garage and stare at the door for a few minutes I might be able to see a flicker but its not enough to notice.
I just have the regular truck lite harness (H13 or something like that) and don't notice any flicker. If I park in front of my garage and stare at the door for a few minutes I might be able to see a flicker but its not enough to notice.

Yeah, if I stare at the door, I can kind of see it through the corner of my eye sometimes but, like you, far from it being enough to notice on a regular basis. :crazyeyes:
I actually have the JW Speaker headlights. Been setting in my garage for some time now. Been to busy with life to install. In hindsight wish I would have purchased Trucklite. In fact I've made a couple of purchases over the past year that I would not had I the knowledge I've gained off of this forum just by reading the reviews and experiences from the community. I'd like to install them this week and was looking ahead for some options. Seems as if some have very little flickering and others have it so bad they are useless. I always seem to be a part of the later category! So just thinking ahead and trying to learn a little too.
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