Okay, I just got back from the JL/JT Experience and have to say that I'm SUPER UNIMPRESSED with Milestar Patagonia M/Ts! In fact, I would go so far as to say that they SUCK or at least, out in the east coast where rocks are super slick and the need for traction is paramount. I mean, I can't believe there are guys out there who try and suggest otherwise. And full disclosure here, no, I've never been a fan of Patagonias being that they're china tires but really, seeing them in action or lack there of spoke volumes to me. Skyjacker was running a set on their JT with a Hellcat and they struggled like hell to get up obstacles that Randy, PSC or I was able to clear with ease. And, before you blame the driver, Lonnie is a long time and experienced driver. In fact, Chris Durham was running a set as well on his JK and if it weren't for his raw talent behind the wheel, he would of had just as much trouble. It really is sad to me that so many "influencers" out there have been able to church up these tires as being the next best thing since sliced bread especially being the only thing they've got going for them is that they're cheap. Of course, that's just my opinion, based on what I've seen and you all can take it for whatever it's worth.
Here's a shot of Skyjacker desperately looking for traction.
Here's a shot of Skyjacker desperately looking for traction.