Storage Area


New member
What do you keep back there? I have an axe, shovel, first aid kit, tie down straps, winch remote, couple tools, gloves and toilet paper for those "I gotta go now!!!" moments :thumb:

I don't know how humid it is where you live but I found that putting my emergency wiping material in a ziploc bag with a dessicant helps keep it usable. Nothing worse than going for the emergency TP and finding a brick.

I also keep my recovery gear in a dry bag. Most sporting goods shops have them by the boating supplies. I makes for a quick and easy grab and keeps them dry. As to what I keep in that particular space you mentioned, only the AEV jack base. During most offroad runs I have stuff in the back which would make getting to that area waaaaay too slow. This includes tool bags, compressor, hilift base, etc. My med kit is attached to peg board on my tailgate so it can be reached easily. Take this for an example: You are working with someone injured and need to send someone for the med kit. Do they know jeeps? Do they know how to open it (and under stress)? I feel that the med back needs to be visible. The ratchet straps, however, are perfect! I do under utilize that space and really need to do better filling it. I still have not decided where to keep my deflator. Seems like I misplace that dang thing every run. Maybe I should put it in there as well. Come to think of it, my emergency poncho could go in there too.
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