Stop the door chiming?


New member
I hope this is a dumb question and there is a simple fix for this, but is there a way to stop your doors from chiming when you leave your keys in, aside from disconnecting them or is that really the only way?

While we're at the lake I like to listen to tunes with the doors open but the chiming is super annoying.. On my last jeep I just left them disconnected but this one has power windows so that option is less viable.
Why not close the door and put the window down? Or disconnecting them wouldn't effect the window if your planning to leave the for open.
Why not close the door and put the window down? Or disconnecting them wouldn't effect the window if your planning to leave the for open.

In my opinion Open doors project sound better when your backed up to the camp site. I do leave the doors closed now. Thx for the suggestion though
You can stop the chime by
1-turn off the jeep if not already
2-open the door you will keep open
3-start the jeep with the door open
It may chime a couple times, but it will stop just like if you have your doors off.
Not really the point. Looking for a way to leave the key in, engine off, leave the door open. The chime is always off when the Jeep is running.
Not really the point. Looking for a way to leave the key in, engine off, leave the door open. The chime is always off when the Jeep is running.

Try that with just without turning on the engine. I don't do the trick myself. I would just open window. I defiantly remember someone being stoked they figured it out a way to keep the door open in a thread. It's been awhile but I'm almost positive that's how he pulled it off.
here's the link

Of course leaving the window open is one partial solution but leaves out the part about when you want/need to have the door open for extended period.

Here's what I found:

Open the door. Put in key and turn on radio. The chime dings for about 4 or 6 times, then quits. The secret is open the door before you put in the key. Don't close the door or it will again chime endlessly as long as the door is open.

Don't know how the mysterious computer brain and electric buss/etc knows about all this. Don't know if it was an INTENDED design feature. Don't know whether it affects other Jeeps.
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