SOCAL Saturday, September 5th?


New member
I will be driving out to Fullerton, CA from Phoenix on Friday September 4th to pick up some wheels from ORE (Thanks SaddleTramp!). I will be spending the night in Fullerton before driving home on Saturday. Thought it would be cool to check out an easy to moderate trail on the way home Saturday morning. I don't want to do anything too challenging since I'll be loaded down with wheels/tires in the back of my LJ. And would prefer to head home shortly after lunch as not to get home too late. Any suggestions? Anyone wish to join?

Dang. I have to be on baby duty while wife plays some beach vball on Sat. Maybe if nobody can wheel on Sat then a suds and grub on Friday night might work. Just another option. Safe travels!
I just checked my calendar. Gotta work on the 5th or I'd join ya,,,,

Dang. I have to be on baby duty while wife plays some beach vball on Sat. Maybe if nobody can wheel on Sat then a suds and grub on Friday night might work. Just another option. Safe travels!

Thanks guys. Suds and Grub Friday night sounds good if anyone can make it. I'll be flying solo so a little company is way better than eating by myself. Would be good to meet some others, too.

I still wouldn't mind hitting an easy trail Saturday morning...even if its by I don't know when I'll be back in SOCAL. I don't have any recovery gear (yet) so if I end up by myself I want to make sure its not a trail I might get in trouble on.

I'd take you on a run but it's my anniversary so my wife has the weekend planned

Cleghorn is a nice trail that isn't time consuming but I don't advise you go alone
I'd take you on a run but it's my anniversary so my wife has the weekend planned

Cleghorn is a nice trail that isn't time consuming but I don't advise you go alone

Happy anniversary! Just had my 15th last week.

Maybe next time. I know its short notice. Hopefully someone might be available, or at least have an easy trail recommendation. Hate to drive all the way out there just to drive home again.

Dinner Friday night sounds good too! If no one is available, any recommendations in/near Fullerton for dinner Friday night? I'm a beer and steak kinda guy. :rock:

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