SHOW us the SNOW!!

Jealous. I couldn’t get a Kia stuck down here if I tried... still hoping for snowmageddon ‘21 to show up.

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Who should go play in the snow first? Knuckles or Ruth?

Round 1 of our 2 part storm left us with 2-3”. The other 8” should be here in a few hours
A couple of pics from a short trail run.
The pine trees are no match for the heavy snow
Fun day!

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Got around 3 feet of snow while at the cabin upstate NY. IMG_8153.jpgIMG_8259.jpgIMG_2525.jpg
Coldest it got on this trip was -11

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Got back to NYC and had 2 storms so far. 1 dropped 2 feet, the second was 6”. IMG_2902.jpg
Was supposed to snow today, but all we got was a light rain. More coming this week tho.

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