Saving threads and info


New member
new here and there is so much there an easy way to save something i want to find months down the road, or save links in my profile
for ex..want to save a threads or posts about a bumper(s) i like that is not in my mod budget until next year
or want to save a thread and link about towing the JK behind RV for use in the spring

new here and there is so much there an easy way to save something i want to find months down the road, or save links in my profile
for ex..want to save a threads or posts about a bumper(s) i like that is not in my mod budget until next year
or want to save a thread and link about towing the JK behind RV for use in the spring


You can subscribe to a thread allowing you to easily locate it under your subscriptions. You can also set up your account to send alerts if anyone posts in those threads.
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