Ruddy security console


New member
Hey everyone. I'm about to turn 20 this coming april and I'm starting to get into shooting at the range a bit and with crime the way it is these days i'd like having some comfort in having my own gun in a safe place that i can easily access if the need arises. I have no carpet in the front anymore and I'm probably going to be beelining the tub soon so with that said will it still work with powder coating on the tub? What pistol do y'all keep in yours for those of you that have one and that carry? And is it waterproof for if and when i go through deep enough water that it comes up to the doors again and starts coming inside the doors?
Never heard of a Ruddy console. If you are talking about the Tuffy concealed carry drawer, I have and use one. No, it's not waterproof. No, it isn't that easy to get into quickly. It's a great place to store a backup or to keep your weapon locked up if you have to go into a gov't building.
Never heard of a Ruddy console. If you are talking about the Tuffy concealed carry drawer, I have and use one. No, it's not waterproof. No, it isn't that easy to get into quickly. It's a great place to store a backup or to keep your weapon locked up if you have to go into a gov't building.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm probably just gonna keep mine tucked between the seat and center console when I'm driving around and just put it in the drawer when I can't taken it into places that don't allow firearms
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