Found these on our Christmas Tree Pass run in December..... They are not carved or painted, but they are what I would call Rocky Horror Rocks. ;)


Cool pics, however pretty lame that people are graffiting these rocks :(

Without question, graffiti on rocks it lame for sure and I am by no means encouraging anyone to go out and create their own. Most of the rocks I posted up were painted or carved a long time ago and are now recognized as roadside attractions. The only one that was new to me was the Gargoyle which clearly had a newer look to it.
Goonie Bird Rock
On your way out to Gemini Bridges, Gold Bar Rim, Rusty Nail or Metal Masher out in Moab, Utah, there's a tall rock formation that you'll come across that looks a lot like a bird and more than likely, that's how it got it's name.


Revive an old thread with some 'rock art' we found this weekend out back roading...
We went out to Congress, Arizona for the WE Rock 'rock crawling' races and then left there and continued on some of the back roads in the area and found these crazy painted rocks.
The Congress 'Frog' has been there for years on the main state route 89, but found these other two in the area and had to share.
Congress frog.jpg
Found this guy (skull) about a mile pass the race course.
Congress skull.jpg
And then about 20 miles away we found this 'thing' I guess it's a duck or chicken....
Hillside duck.jpg
Crazy what people will do. :grayno:
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