Real Men Don't Get "Offended": The Grown-Ass Men Getting Butthurt Thread


New member
I read this article the other day and it speaks to what it means to be a man. Lately it's gotten pretty thick on here(as we all know it comes in waves) with all the "full grown men" being so damn sensitive online, in person, and just getting butt hurt any time someone says something they don't like. I encourage you to link to this thread whenever you see fit to teach some whiney ass "man" how to unbunch his panties and move on with his crying!

Real Men Don’t Get “Offended”

Posted on March 10, 2015 in Columns

“That’s offensive!” … said no great man, ever.


Ah, the year 2015. We find ourselves at the perfect intersect of political correctness, tolerance and “white male privilege”. Legend has it that at this crossroad, you can sell your soul to a transgendered devil for reality tv fame and fortune. What an enlightening time to be alive.

All of these things are not only mildly annoying, but have actually led to us to the precipice of man. Men no longer assume the responsibility of leading their family, because feminists have told them that male leadership is no longer intrinsically necessary. Men no longer teach their sons how to become a man, because maybe their son played with a barbie once. Many men no longer challenge themselves, or live what Theodore Roosevelt called “the strenuous life,” because they’ve been told that accepting themselves for who they are is more important than the growth that comes with discomfort.

Never is the fall of masculinity more clearly on display than when grown, adult men pull out the “offended” card. Any man who goes about with the word “offensive” on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding… or promptly have his man-card revoked, one of the two.


Why is it that we all inherently get that sense of disgust, that feeling of embarrassment for a man who wines about being “offended” but not many of us can articulate as to the reason? Just why are we so repulsed by men (usually liberal) who fervently take “offense”?

It’s simple. Both men and women respect men who take ownership, men who take action. Choosing to “be offended” is the epitome of inaction. Today’s “offended” men are seen as wimpy simply because they are. Instead of harnessing whatever affront is facing them, instead of facing it head-on, dealing with the problem and coming out the other side a stronger man, the “modern” male chooses to sulk, to whine, and inevitably call Gloria Steinem.

We don’t need any more “offended” men, we need more leaders. We don’t need any more professional protestors, we need more husbands. We don’t need anymore filthy, coffeehouse hipsters, we need more fathers.

So the next time you men think about choosing to “be offended” by something somebody else says or does, put down the chocolate and midol and take control over your own life. Stop being “offended” and start taking action. You’ll be glad you did.

Plus, chicks dig it.

......and if you still need more help in becoming a real man, please read every page of this website: The Art of Manliness
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Well said. This makes me want to listen to country music, sit on a tailgate and drink some beers. Society has changed and it is not for the better! All you can do is live your life and try not to dwell on the pussification of America.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my morning shave...ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1426681893.807694.jpg

Hahah. Jk OP. Good read and great article. Thanks for sharing!
I read this article the other day and it speaks to what it means to be a man. Lately it's gotten pretty thick on here(as we all know it comes in waves) with all the "full grown men" being so damn sensitive online, in person, and just getting butt hurt any time someone says something they don't like. I encourage you to link to this thread whenever you see fit to teach some whiney ass "man" how to unbunch his panties and move on with his crying!

......and if you still need more help in becoming a real man, please read every page of this website: The Art of Manliness
Man I need to print this out and hand it out here at my job. Great read!!! Time to take back the chocolate and midol. Lol
Great read. Today's fostered sense of entitlement and self righteousness is out of control. To me nothing speaks louder then being able to admit fault and owning up to mistakes made. Then taking that in stride, learning from it, and moving on. Good leaders can do this and it gains the respect of others. However I do love me some chocolate from time to time..;)
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my morning shave...

Hahah. Jk OP. Good read and great article. Thanks for sharing!

I'm sorry, is that a razor? I couldn't tell for sure because my beard was blocking my view. ;)
I'm sorry, is that a razor? I couldn't tell for sure because my beard was blocking my view. ;)

LOL, thats great! When I grow mine out and I havent seen my dad in a while, he will reach up and grab mine and ask "whats this?" To which I reply, "thats a beard, when you become a man you will have one too!" He always mubles crap and walks off. He grows a beard almost over night and it makes him look homeless cause of how shaggy it gets and him just letting it grow.
Well, we do have an action figure.


So.....what do you got ta say now big boy!? Hmmm???


Haha.... He looks pretty effeminate to me. I think he accidentally picked up the doctors clip board & left his Foley catheter at the desk. Bring me a glass of water & a back rub!
Great thread StrizzyChris!

I shave with these,



I brew this,


I drive this,


And I cook with this,


Ahhh, the Art of Manliness!
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