Rausch creek trip 9/21-9/22 (mild blues/green trails only) Pics

Will get my pics and Chris' video copied over to the computer this eve and posted.

"Making Memories One Trail At A Time"
They worked great, hence the mud on the inside... no problems all day.

Also at the end of Ta Ta's do you remember that side hill to the left of the exit of of the last hill... the one that looks super sketchy? Me and JK Mafioso did that...
Bearjew1's Cub got a Pic of that, I was hoping to see it posted soon.
can't remember that one I'll. Wait thats where Ed took the pic yeah yhat looked like a rollover hill. Don't know if I have the balls for that yet . lol

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Sadie pup was missing you Tom :)
What a great shot next time I'll have her eating out of my hand . She is the first dog I couldn't get to pet. Its on my bucket list lol

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Is the rock we all climb at the end of the trips pizza rock?
This is pizza rock on trial 18

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Had a great time with you all! I'll have pics and videos up shortly! Oh and i had a little problem on the drive back to NY.

Lol maybe ill rub my hand with a burger that might help.lol

Great pis Ed and everyone

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I got her to lick my hand. It must have been the pizza. Army Vet, great to meet you and Miss Sadie. Sorry you had to roll out last night.
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