Random Internet Shit you've come across

"Gun Violence" - See criminal record (and that's just the stuff he got caught for, below picture.

View attachment 397866

What do you expect when you walk around in the park at 3 o'clock in the, aaaa day, oh it happened in broad day light... Well, at least they waited till the middle of the night to take photos for the news.
For historical perspective

Most of the high interest rates are the result of high Fed Gov spending.

I definitely agree that not everyone ‘deserves’ to own a house.

Being able to buy something should be based solely on your ability to earn the proper amount of money required for the purchase of that item. An individual has no rights that require someone else to pay
For historical perspective
View attachment 397870

Most of the high interest rates are the result of high Fed Gov spending.

I definitely agree that not everyone ‘deserves’ to own a house.

Being able to buy something should be based solely on your ability to earn the proper amount of money required for the purchase of that item. An individual has no rights that require someone else to pay

We have been fortunate, but we also planned well. We caught the bottom of the dip several times.
Bought the current place in 2012, just as the economy was showing signs of life again.
Did a refi in 2021 to finance some improvements.
Had plenty of money elsewhere both times, but it makes no sense to take money that's outpacing loan rates and use it when money's cheap.
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It's funny, a certain political group is all about getting guns out of the hands of the people. But that same political group are the first to negotiate away any and all gun charges in a criminal case. Just the act of possessing a fire arm during a Felony elevates the class of Felony. Yet they don't want to prosecute those crimes.

Kind of shows their intent every single time a gun is involved.

Reinstate Capitol Punishment on the National level and lower the qualifications to carry it out. When these animals are being euthanized, maybe, MAYBE the rest of them will change their tactics.
Screw being euthanized, firing squad. Make it hurt. What they did to get here definitely hurt someone else. That will slow it down some, if anything will.
Screw being euthanized, firing squad. Make it hurt. What they did to get here definitely hurt someone else. That will slow it down some, if anything will.

I've always said give the victim's family first dibs. If they don't want to do it then raffle off chances for a spot.
Even better, make it a long range challenge. See who can be the first to get the noggin shot at 1000 yards.
So, as more and more of these cases start to come out (and there will be many, many more) is this going to open the door for us as citizens to go after the Federal Government for their role in this hoax to get us to put untested, unproven chemicals into our bodies?

What's really funny and what most people don't know is that things like steel shovels were prohibited as they could be used as weapons. I'm sure you already know this but even the establishment of furnaces, mills and forges that could make steel tools as a whole weren't allowed.

Of course, our founding fathers made them anyway and thank goodness for that!
So, as more and more of these cases start to come out (and there will be many, many more) is this going to open the door for us as citizens to go after the Federal Government for their role in this hoax to get us to put untested, unproven chemicals into our bodies?

Two years ago they would not have even been able to publish that story.
We should never forget that.
So, as more and more of these cases start to come out (and there will be many, many more) is this going to open the door for us as citizens to go after the Federal Government for their role in this hoax to get us to put untested, unproven chemicals into our bodies?

Sickening. So sad.
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