Random Internet Shit you've come across

Ok serious question.. really…

For a state that has a long history of rolling blackouts due to excessive strain on the power grid, an insane amount of electric vehicles, tens of millions of people needing heat and/or cooling, why would they mandate yet another high-consumption and highly used appliance be electric?…. In someone’s house that they paid for with their own money and pay taxes for? I just don’t understand why they want to mandate even more strain on a power grid that is already insufficient.
Because you can do without heating, cooling, and cooking but the gas stoves may remove several days from you lifespan!

Ok serious question.. really…

For a state that has a long history of rolling blackouts due to excessive strain on the power grid, an insane amount of electric vehicles, tens of millions of people needing heat and/or cooling, why would they mandate yet another high-consumption and highly used appliance be electric?…. In someone’s house that they paid for with their own money and pay taxes for? I just don’t understand why they want to mandate even more strain on a power grid that is already insufficient.

Since there are no rational reasons for this one must look at the irrational ones, no?

Conspiracy theorist :rolleyes:

Ok serious question.. really…

For a state that has a long history of rolling blackouts due to excessive strain on the power grid, an insane amount of electric vehicles, tens of millions of people needing heat and/or cooling, why would they mandate yet another high-consumption and highly used appliance be electric?…. In someone’s house that they paid for with their own money and pay taxes for? I just don’t understand why they want to mandate even more strain on a power grid that is already insufficient.
It's always about money and power. Follow the money and power and there the answer will be. None of any of this has anything to do with the environment or the safety of people.
Back in 2017, a “once in 100 year storm” almost took out the Orroville dam. Of course, at the time, everyone said it would never fill up again due to “climate change”. We’ll, it happened and then everyone promptly said, we would never see a storm like it again… :rolleyes:

reading some of the comments of the sheep that say it isn't so 😂 😂 :ROFLMAO:

The climate activists are running a pretty good scam, they've done their historical weather homework and timed it with when to push the propaganda for maximum profit.

The sheep follow while never questioning why their leaders are jet setting to one of their many mega-estates in their private jets or yachts with their entourage of full size escalades, armed security and everything the activists claim to be against.

So much data available to do your own research but it's much easier to get 20 second sound bites and alerts of what you need to know.

The ocean is rising! but not near my estate... large carbon footprints should be punished! but not mine because I'm exempt...

The movie Idiocracy was based on history, we're trying to make it true as fast as possible.
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