Possible issue need advice.


New member
I have had my 2012 JKU for 4 months, thats the 3.6 engine, not sure what tranny is. So, 2x since buying it the tranny (automatic) seems to get stuck in 1st gear. Manually swithching gears fixes prob then OD works fine again. I think both time it happened I was skinny pedal heavy on ice and traction control kicked on. It isn't possible to re create the issue on demand and has only happened 2x but I still have bumper to bumper so was wondering if I have an issue or if it's just one of those things.

Any educated guesses are welcome.

Ride On!
my 2010 auto does the same thing when rpm's get too high and no traction

it's a limp mode that's supposed to protect the engine and transmission but it doesn't really work as I've had the rpm's run way up when it got stuck in 1st gear

Once I became aware of it I manage the peddle better and it's never been a problem since - 89000 miles!
The newer Jeeps have an automatic transmission that allows you to manually shift gears if you want to over-ride the auto mode. I have done it when distracted and wondered if I had done something wrong. Turns out that if you toggle the shift lever left or right, you can go into manual mode and shift gears up or down.

The next time this happens, check the green shift indicator on your dash panel. If it says "D" in the little box you are in auto shift mode. If there is any number like "1" through "5" you are in manual mode. Shift to neutral with the shift lever and back to drive and you will return to auto mode.

I hope this helps and is what has happened to you in the past.
OK so maybe I'm OK. I know about manual shifting, it is how I fixed it when it stuck in 1st and sometimes I use it if I'm sliding past my turn ;)
Didn't know about this fail safe thing, I had rpms pretty high when it happened, doesn't seem to me like it's protecting anything at all lol.
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