Poppet Flats Fire / Silver Fire / Silent Valley


Man. I'm real bummed right now.
I just learned that the place we as a family have been going to for over 20 years is on fire! This hurts, we have a camper trailer stored up there and it's just so painful to watch and wait and hope for the best. I've never seen a fire threaten Silent Valley as it is today, I pray no more structures or homes are lost. My heart goes out to all the people who have already lost their homes and also my deepest thanks to the firefighters who are battling this.
Man. I'm real bummed right now.
I just learned that the place we as a family have been going to for over 20 years is on fire! This hurts, we have a camper trailer stored up there and it's just so painful to watch and wait and hope for the best. I've never seen a fire threaten Silent Valley as it is today, I pray no more structures or homes are lost. My heart goes out to all the people who have already lost their homes and also my deepest thanks to the firefighters who are battling this.

Some of the grounds have been devoured. Watching and waiting and hoping it didn't get the trailer. :/
SV fire E section.jpg
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