Please be careful out there...


Staff member
Just read this article and wanted to remind all of you to please be careful out there ESPECIALLY when there isn't any real reason to be. Tragedies like this always seem to happen when you least expect it...

JOHNSON VALLEY: Off-road crash kills dad, hospitalizes family

A roll-over accident in a popular Mojave Desert off-road vehicle area killed a Northern California man Wednesday night and sent his wife and their two small children to the hospital by medical helicopter.

Thirty-year-old Steven Brent Williams died at the scene of the 7:45 p.m. crash on Means Dry Lake in the Johnson Valley Off Road Area, about 13 miles northwest of Landers.

The family had left their campsite to seek cell phone reception and were driving a 1965 Jeep that had been modified into a rock crawler containing two seats, both with five-point safety belts, said Officer Joaquin Zubieta.

Williams had the couple’s 4-year-old daughter in his lap, and Williams’ wife had their 1-year-old son in her lap, Zubieta said.

About a mile north of Boone Road, the Jeep overturned about three times, ejecting the entire family. Steven Williams and the boy suffered head injuries.

Mrs. Williams suffered scrapes and pain in her back and left shoulder. The girl suffered scrapes on her face and both shoulders.

The family is from Rohnert Park, a community west of Highway 101 and about five miles north of Santa Rosa.
This is terrible to hear. Reminds me to take things easily and cherish life. My boys are everything to me and I wouldn't do anything which would endanger them or leave them without a Dad. Be safe out there people.
This is terrible to hear. Reminds me to take things easily and cherish life. My boys are everything to me and I wouldn't do anything which would endanger them or leave them without a Dad. Be safe out there people.
All I can say is WOW... How unfortunate...
This is a good reminder with camping season beginning soon...Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family...Buckle up...
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