people talk crap about this forum a lot and i have have never understood why

I'm sorry that i am not an active member...I don't really cruise the web that much. you are right I broke the rules of the website.

I thought the offroad world was a nice place where everyone gets along...i didn't think it would hurt anyones feelings.

Don't think anyone's feelings are hurt. Most people here just won't buy from people they don't know. Also this forum is really not about selling/buying things on classifieds.
Don't think anyone's feelings are hurt. Most people here just won't buy from people they don't know. Also this forum is really not about selling/buying things on classifieds.

Then they don't have to buy the jeep ...I am not here to prove myself to anyone that I can be a part of a community. I do support you guys and tell everyone about this forum, just because i don't post stuff on here doesn't mean i am not a supporter.

I have to be honest people talk crap about this forum a lot and i have have never understood why. Now it is starting to become apparent to me.

You guys don't want to buy the jeep don't buy it. and if you guys don't like the fact that I havnt posted before now ....delete the damn thing... its up to you guys ...i don't care ..its becoming a waste of my time....i just thought i would give more people the opputunity to buy a i put it on a jeep forum.

I'm not wasting my time arguing with people on here about things that don't matter. My health is declining i need to sell my jeep so that's it.

But thanks for the concerns.

also you seem to be a pretty understanding individual so this really is not directed at you.
I have to be honest people talk crap about this forum a lot and i have have never understood why. Now it is starting to become apparent to me.

...and there it is again. So sick of hearing this from people that come in here disregarding the rules. Are we supposed to give a shit. The fuck outa here.
Then they don't have to buy the jeep ...I am not here to prove myself to anyone that I can be a part of a community. I do support you guys and tell everyone about this forum, just because i don't post stuff on here doesn't mean i am not a supporter.

I have to be honest people talk crap about this forum a lot and i have have never understood why. Now it is starting to become apparent to me.

You guys don't want to buy the jeep don't buy it. and if you guys don't like the fact that I havnt posted before now ....delete the damn thing... its up to you guys ...i don't care ..its becoming a waste of my time....i just thought i would give more people the opputunity to buy a i put it on a jeep forum.

I'm not wasting my time arguing with people on here about things that don't matter. My health is declining i need to sell my jeep so that's it.

But thanks for the concerns.

also you seem to be a pretty understanding individual so this really is not directed at you.

I have to be honest, go choke on a bowl of dicks..
2012 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited

I'm confused. are you referring to my grammar?

Nope referring to the fact that you can't read the rules. Or the fact you show up to a jeep forum where virtually everyone on here already has their own jeep and try to sell yours? You sure dont know how to pick the right market for whatever your selling. You should just post it on Craigslist, eBay, or take it to a dealership. Clearly your not the brightest star in the galaxy is what I'm saying

You didn't read the rules, you thought you would help us out by selling us your crap, now you whine like a baby when called out about it.

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I know the first place i would try to sell my jeep is a forum where 99% of the members already own at least one.
I have to be honest people talk crap about this forum a lot and i have have never understood why. Now it is starting to become apparent to me.

You guys don't want to buy the jeep don't buy it. and if you guys don't like the fact that I havnt posted before now ....delete the damn thing... its up to you guys ...i don't care ..its becoming a waste of my time....
Dude your fucking dicks out. Dont start that backpeddling, now i see why people talk shit about this place garbage.

Oh and it isnt becoming a waste of time, had you read the rules, youd see that it was a waste of time all along.
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